Alexandre Assouad
Alexandre Assouad
Same problem here on ubuntu 18.06 Using python 3.4.8 does solve the issue. But it's quite annoying since you have to build python 3.4 on ubuntu 18.04.
same issue here with wal-e 1.1.0 python 3.4.10 ubuntu 18.04 `--pool-size 1` also helps
it's possible to achieve both The only problem with default params is type casting with jinja which can lead to get default values with the wrong type The line should...
no problems, I'll try to submit a PR with a proof of concept
Any feedback ?
I saw the new option "DBWaitReadyTimeout" in the laster documentation, do you know when will it be available ?
Thanks a lot ! I'll try that !
Not yet but i've got to work on that :) But for the time being I lack some time to get that fuctionnality running :-s
Please do not use this library, it's old and not maintained. Please use this one "chillerlan/php-qrcode".
Same issue here with version 0.42.2 (but lower version initialy installed). I had to `DROP INDEX idx_uniq_field_table_id_parent_id_name_2col;` @flamber My databasse has around 20000 duplicate fields, is it safe to drop...