media-source-stream icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
media-source-stream copied to clipboard

MediaSources from Readable streams


Deprecated: Use feross/mediasource

Creates MSE MediaSource objects from readable streams.

Does the reverse of media-recorder-stream.


npm install media-source-stream


The easiest way to get a compatible readable stream is to use media-recorder-stream, but you can also create your own via FFMPEG.

var getMedia = require('getusermedia')
var MediaRecorderStream = require('media-recorder-stream')
var MediaSourceStream = require('media-source-stream')

getMedia({video: true, audio: true}, function (err, media) {

  // Change a MediaStream into a data stream
  var recordStream = MediaRecorderStream(media, {
    mimeType: 'video/webm; codecs="opus,vp8"', // You MUST set the MIME type
    interval: 100 // A short interval is recommended to keep buffer sizes low
  // Do stuff to the data...
  // And change it back!
  var sourceStream = MediaSourceStream({  // Creates a writable stream
    mimeType: 'video/webm; codecs="opus,vp8"'


  • Modify MediaStreams in realtime, in the browser.
  • Send audio/video data over a WebRTC DataChannel.
  • Send audio/video over a net.socket.
  • Upload media without needing to finish recording.


sourceStream = new MediaSourceStream([opts])

Create a new MediaSourceStream, which is a writable stream.

Optional opts is the options object to pass to the MediaSource constructor.


The output MediaSource object.


Here is an example of how to send video/audio over a WebRTC DataChannel (with simple-peer), without using media channels. You could also do this over WebSockets.

Keep in mind there is a moderate increase in latency, so this is only suitable when MediaStreams aren't an option.

getMedia({video: true, audio: true}, function (err, stream) {
  var recordStream = MediaRecorderStream(stream, {
    mimeType: 'video/webm; codecs=vp8',
    interval: 100

  var peer1 = new SimplePeer({
    initiator: true
  var peer2 = new SimplePeer()
  peer1.on('signal', function (data) {
  peer2.on('signal', function (data) {

  peer1.on('connect', function () {

  var sourceStream = MediaSourceStream()

  var url = window.URL.createObjectURL(sourceStream.mediaSource)
  document.querySelector('video').src = url

Note: You want to start recording once you already have a connection so that all recorded data is sent. If any initial data is missing, the stream cannot be reconstructed on the other side.