GSP-Qbittorent-Gluetun-sync-port-mod icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
GSP-Qbittorent-Gluetun-sync-port-mod copied to clipboard

Docker mod for Linuxserver's Qbittorrent image to sync gluetun's forwarded port. Can also work with any qBittorrent image as a standalone container.

(Q)GSP : Qbittorrent - Gluetun synchronised port mod

A mod to sync forwarded ports from gluetun to qbittorrent.
This mod is to be used with linuxserver/qbittorrent container and qdm12/gluetun container.

:star: If you like this mod, don't hesitate to give it a star ! It's always nice :)

:warning: Be aware ! I'm not a developper. I just needed something and found a way to do it. This is my first Linuxserver mod and my first attempt at creating anything with docker. Also my first use of github actions, so everything is probably far from perfect. If you have suggestions, feel free to open an issue.


Follow the instructions here. With the following link for the mod

  • You will need to enable Bypass authentication for clients on localhost inside qbittorrent's settings > Web UI. Otherwise you can set the GSP_QBT_USERNAME and GSP_QBT_PASSWORD (or GSP_QBT_PASSWORD_FILE) variables.
  • If you have enabled the Enable Host header validation option, you will need to add localhost to the Server domains list.


The following env variables can be used to configure the mod (all are optional) :

Variable Default value Comment
GSP_GTN_ADDR http://localhost:8000 Gluetun API host address.
GSP_QBT_ADDR http://localhost:8080 Qbittorrent API host address. If the env variable WEBUI_PORT is set, it will be used as default.
GSP_SLEEP 60 Time between checks in seconds.
GSP_RETRY_DELAY 10 Time between retries in case of error (in s).
GSP_QBT_USERNAME Qbittorrent username.
GSP_QBT_PASSWORD Qbittorrent password.
GSP_QBT_PASSWORD_FILE Qbittorrent password file (for docker secret use). This supplants GSP_QBT_PASSWORD.
GSP_SKIP_INIT_CHECKS false Set to true to disable qbt config checks ("Bypass authentication on localhost", etc). Set to warningto see check results but continue anyway.
GSP_MINIMAL_LOGS true Set to false to enable "Ports did not change." logs.
GSP_DEBUG false Set to true to enable mod's set -x.
:warning: FOR DEBUG ONLY.

I was planning on implementing the option to use Gluetun's port forwarding file but since it will be deprecated in v4, I won't.

Docker compose example

This is just an example for the mod, adapt it to your needs.

        image: qmcgaw/gluetun
        container_name: gluetun
        restart: always
          - NET_ADMIN
          - TZ=Europe/Paris
          - VPN_SERVICE_PROVIDER=custom
          - VPN_TYPE=wireguard
          - VPN_PORT_FORWARDING=on
          - VPN_PORT_FORWARDING_PROVIDER=protonvpn

        container_name: qbittorrent
          - TZ=Europe/Paris
          - WEBUI_PORT=8080
          - GSP_SLEEP=120
          - GSP_MINIMAL_LOGS=false
          - "./qbittorrent/config/:/config"
          - "./qbittorrent/webui/:/webui"
          - "./download:/download"
        network_mode: container:gluetun
            condition: service_healthy
        restart: unless-stopped


Check the logs

The mod's logs are visible in the container's log :

docker logs -f qbittorrent
Qbittorrent docker logs
[mod-init] Running Docker Modification Logic
[mod-init] Adding t-anc/gsp-qbittorent-gluetun-sync-port-mod:main to container
[mod-init] Downloading t-anc/gsp-qbittorent-gluetun-sync-port-mod:main from
[mod-init] Installing t-anc/gsp-qbittorent-gluetun-sync-port-mod:main
[mod-init] t-anc/gsp-qbittorent-gluetun-sync-port-mod:main applied to container
[migrations] started
[migrations] no migrations found
usermod: no changes

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User UID:    1000
User GID:    1000

[custom-init] No custom files found, skipping...
|           Gluetun sync port (GSP) mod loaded            |
|  Qbittorrent address : http://localhost:8080            |
|  Gluetun address : http://localhost:8000                |

04/10/24 01:03:49 [GSP] - Waiting for Qbittorrent WebUI ...
WebUI will be started shortly after internal preparations. Please wait...

******** Information ********
To control qBittorrent, access the WebUI at: http://localhost:8080

Connection to localhost (::1) 8080 port [tcp/http-alt] succeeded!
[] done.
04/10/24 01:03:55 [GSP] - Init checks passed. Listening for a change.
04/10/24 01:03:55 [GSP] - Ports did not change.
04/10/24 01:04:55 [GSP] - Ports changed :
04/10/24 01:04:55 [GSP] -  - Old : 22684
04/10/24 01:04:55 [GSP] -  - New : 38473
04/10/24 01:04:55 [GSP] - Updating qbittorrent port via API ...
04/10/24 01:04:55 [GSP] - Qbittorrent port successfully updated.
04/10/24 01:05:55 [GSP] - Ports did not change.

To (drastically) increase the log level, you can set the GSP_DEBUG var to true.

Check Gluetun's control server

If the log indicates Error retrieving port from Gluetun API. then try to get the port mannually (replace the container's name and localhost:8000 if needed) :

 docker exec gluetun wget -q -O- /dev/tty http://localhost:8000/v1/openvpn/portforwarded

and you should get this (with your port number) :


If not, then the issue is from your gluetun's configuration, you can get help on the wiki or open an issue.

Note : even with openvpn in the URL, this is also valid for wireguard.