vimpyter copied to clipboard
Edit your Jupyter notebooks in Vim/Neovim
Please use one of the alternative approaches, for example [dccsilag/magma](dccsillag / magma-nvim).
Might also want to check out this article which highlights more up-to-date approaches with latest neovim features!
- Input/output cells are displayed using custom syntax file and folding.
- See your edits by starting Jupyter Notebook/Nteract application with single command/mapping (just remember to save your modifications). You may have to reload browser page/app to see the effects.
- To see other features click here
Vim8 or Neovim is required (asynchronous features)
Install required external dependency:
Install plugin using plugin manager like vim-plug or Vundle:
Plug 'szymonmaszke/vimpyter' "vim-plug
Plugin 'szymonmaszke/vimpyter' "Vundle
If you want to use different plugin manager/direct instalation please do refer to their respective repositories/documentation.
Plugin provides some convenience commands:
- VimpyterStartJupyter: asynchronously starts jupyter notebook instance from Vim/Neovim
- VimpyterStartNteract: asynchronously starts nteract instance from Vim/Neovim
- VimpyterInsertPythonBlock: inserts block of python code (see Demo)
Example mappings (put this in your .vimrc/init.vim):
autocmd Filetype ipynb nmap <silent><Leader>b :VimpyterInsertPythonBlock<CR>
autocmd Filetype ipynb nmap <silent><Leader>j :VimpyterStartJupyter<CR>
autocmd Filetype ipynb nmap <silent><Leader>n :VimpyterStartNteract<CR>
To see all available flags/commands refer to vim's documentation
Following options are provided:
- g:vimpyter_color: display command line output in colour (0 or 1)
- g:vimpyter_jupyter_notebook_flags: string describing flags passed to Jupyter notebook
- g:vimpyter_nteract_flags: string describing flags passed to nteract app
g:vimpyter_view_directory: directory where proxy files are created (default:
For detailed description type in your editor :help vimpyter-options
Integrations with other plugins
Currently supported plugins:
- Shougo/deoplete: asynchronous completion framework for Vim/Neovim. You have to install and configure zchee/deoplete-jedi for python completions.
You can request additional integrations or create them on your own (pull requests are welcomed).
Contributors wanted!
Things you could do to improve this software:
Integrations with other plugins:
- davidhalter/jedi-vim: Things like go to definition and documentation, maybe autocompletion (available as choice instead of deoplete-jedi).
- w0rp/ale: Linting/fixing of .ipynb file. Using linters like flake8 from python or maybe custom made linter/fixer specifically for .ipynb file.
Other improvements:
- Automatically update notebook on save: See this issue for more informations
- Completion from ipython console: It may be faster to use this one. Check jonathanslenders/ptpython for possibilities.
Known bugs
- nteract crashes on startup (usually does not occure)
If you find other bugs please post an issue. If you want to improve this software do not hesitate to cooperate!