archivist icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
archivist copied to clipboard

tool for archiving and exploring


Tool for archiving and exploring.

Built out of a need to get out of walled gardens of Pinterest and (much less walled) Pinboard.

Alpha quality at best.


Archivist is built out of three interconnected parts (each package has it's own readme file):

  1. archivist-cli - command line tool for configuration, fetching and querying the data
  2. archivist-ui - Electron UI built on top of archivist-cli
  3. archivist-* - various crawlers, "official" ones:
    • archivist-pinboard - API-based Pinboard archiving: screenshot and freeze-dry of the original website
    • archivist-pinterest-crawl - slowly crawl through Pinterest and archive pin image


  1. npm install -g archivist-cli
  2. to archive pinboard: npm install -g archivist-pinboard
  3. to archive pinterest: npm install -g archivist-pinterest-crawl

archivist-ui is not on npm (it should probably be a downloadable dmg, but I didn't get around to it), so to generate the .app and put it in /Applications/ yourself:

  1. clone this repo
  2. cd archivist-ui && ./scripts/


$ archivist config

Config is a JSON object of shape:

  "crawler-1": CRAWLER_1_OPTIONS,
  "crawler-2": CRAWLER_2_OPTIONS,

Example config (assuming Pinboard and Pinterest backup):

  "archivist-pinterest-crawl": {
    "loginMethod": "cookies",
    "profile": "szymon_k"
  "archivist-pinboard": {
    "apiKey": "API_KEY_FOR_PINBOARD"

archivist-pinterest-crawl supports two login methods: "cookies" (which uses cookies from local Google Chrome installation) or "password" which requires plaintext username and password:

"archivist-pinterest-crawl": {
  "loginMethod": "password",
  "username": "PINTEREST_USERNAME",
  "password": "PINTEREST_PASSWORD",
  "profile": "szymon_k"

archivist-pinboard requires API Token from to run properly.


  • backup data: archivist fetch (might take a long time depending on the size of the archive)
  • list everything: archivist query
    • find everything about keyboards: archivist query keyboard
    • query by default returns ndjson, normal JSON can be outputed using --json
