mdtt icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
mdtt copied to clipboard

🗓️ Markdown Table Editor TUI

🗓️ mdtt: Markdown Table Editor TUI

Editing markdown tables can be a drag. mdtt makes it easier with a slick TUI for terminal use and vim-style keybindings. It supports output to stdout and in-place file editing.

📦 Installation

To install mdtt using Go, run:

go install

Or, download it:

GitHub Releases

🎬 Usage

To start editing your markdown table, simply run:


Upon launching, mdtt will display the tables from your markdown file in a TUI.

While editing, you can utilize the following vim-like keybindings to navigate and modify your tables efficiently:

  • Navigation: Use hjkl for left, down, up, and right movements.
  • Editing: Press i to switch to insert mode and edit cell content, exit insert mode with esc or ctrl+c.
  • Row and Column Manipulation:
    • Add a new row or colymn with o, vo.
    • Delete the current row or column with dd, vd.
    • Copy the current row or column with yy, vy.
    • Paste a copied row or column with p.

For direct editing and saving changes to the same file, use:

mdtt -i

You can use piping with mdtt as shown below:

pbpaste | mdtt | pbcopy

To create a new table without an existing file, run mdtt without any arguments:


When multiple tables are present, you will be prompted to select the table you wish to edit.

Press I to open the cell in the text editor set as your $EDITOR, allowing you to edit the cell directly within your chosen editor.

⌨️ Key Bindings

Key Action
/k Move up
/j Move down
/h Move left
/l Move right
b/pgup Page up
f/pgdn Page down
ctrl+u Half page up
ctrl+d Half page down
g/home Go to start
G/end Go to end
i Insert mode
esc/ctrl+c Normal mode
o/vo Add row/column
dd/vd Delete row/column
yy/vy Copy row/column
p Paste
q Quit
? Toggle help

📝 Features

  • [x] Vim-like Keybindings: Navigate and edit tables using familiar vim commands.
  • [x] Inplace Editing: Directly modify your original markdown files with the -i option.
  • [x] Piping Support
  • [x] Multi-Table Selection
  • [x] External Editor Integration: Delegate cell editing to an external editor specified by your $EDITOR environment variable.
  • [ ] HTML in Cells: Enable rich content formatting by using HTML directly within table cells.

🙏 Acknowledgments

This project, mdtt, was inspired by mdvtbl, a tool that reads markdown from stdin, allows for table editing in a web view, and outputs to stdout.
