uploadpack icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
uploadpack copied to clipboard

Easy way to handle file uploads in CakePHP.

Results 15 uploadpack issues
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If I upload an png image it becomes more then 4x the original size, you can't use the quality 0 - 100 on png images, but you can convert it...

Currently, Windows bmp images aren't supported. Are there any possibilities for the same?

How Adding watermark in the image before saving ?

if param 'PDFtoImage' sets true and uploaded file is pdf, convert pdf to image by ImageMagick. need ImageMagick and some CMYK icc file (ex: JapanColor2001Coated.icc) if need to convert CMYK...

Banding facility of UploadBehavior::_resize() doesn't work correctly. For example we have a source image (width: 400px; height: 300px) and going to fit it into [480x270] with UploadPack. In the banding...

Hello all, I tried to use this plugin with Cakephp 2.3.6 an when I tried to submit the upload form, I have this issue : Could not find validation handler...

UploadPack will be much more useful if it supports primary key field of which name is NOT 'id'. My unpolished modification is here: It seems to work on PHP 5.3.3...

I want an image to only be required when a user is creating a model. I also want the image to have a certain minimum width and height. If a...

Hi i want to delete original image ! help me please

The initial url-options is left out from the link, and the "$options += " part gives an "Unsupported operand types " error because $options is uninitialized. Fix by changing $options...