nginx-vts-exporter copied to clipboard
Collected before with the same name and label values
Hi,thanks for your exporter,it is very useful!
Recently,I think I have a few problems.
When I started the nginx_exporter,there were few errors:
then I curled
and I found that there were two servers in the esadmin
but there was only one in my profile:
So...what's my problem?
Thanks for any reply!
it seems like the nginx-vtx-module did this...maybe you could send a issue proposal there
it seems like the nginx-vtx-module did this...maybe you could send a issue proposal there
Ok,I have sent a issue to there.Thank you very much!
Same problem!
it seems like the nginx-vtx-module did this...maybe you could send a issue proposal there
Ok,I have sent a issue to there.Thank you very much!
哥, 这个问题解决了吗
it seems like the nginx-vtx-module did this...maybe you could send a issue proposal there
Ok,I have sent a issue to there.Thank you very much!
哥, 这个问题解决了吗
nginx-module-vts 指标是从upstream里面的配置读取的,同时nginx-vts-exporter认为标签上不能重复,所以在配置upstream 配置的时候千万不能重复,否则会导致nginx-vts-exporter 拉取数据的时候认为发生了错误
我也遇到这个问题, 后来我发现nginx配置 vhost_traffic_status_display_format prometheus 格式, 访问 http://ip/status 的时候就是metrics格式
location /status {
vhost_traffic_status_display_format prometheus;
I understand this is old issue, however check this answer:
it helped me. I had an issue where two servers inside my upstream with the same IP
for example
upstream test-1 {
server a;
server b:
in my /etc/hosts, I had a and b point to the same IP
hope that helps.