
Results 60 comments of Chris

Hi @mbartenschlag thank you for the detailed bug report and diving into the code. While this does give a slightly strange result I believe we are following datetime std library...

So this would affect the `MMM`, `MMMM`, `DDD` and `DDDD` tokens (also `A/a`?). Without seeing your code it's hard to know how to solve the second problem. You could try...

@virresh nice that you've found a solution. As a bare minimum we should update the docs to mention that things like `AUGUST/AUG` will parse using `MMMM/MMM`. At the moment that's...

Hey @Swizzler121 when I try your second example I get the following result. ```shell >>> dt=arrow.get('198911', 'YYYYMD') >>> dt >>> dt.format("d") '7' >>> dt.format("dddd") 'Sunday' ``` I think `wkday2` is...

Hi @mpnowacki-reef I don't think this is bug however it seems we did forget to mention the changes to the `"X"` token in the migration guide. In 1.0.2. ```shell >>>...

Can't reproduce on my machine. ```shell >>> import arrow >>> date = arrow.get('3100-01-01T07:00:00Z') >>> date >>> print('local')) 3100-01-01T07:00:00+00:00 >>> import platform >>> platform.uname() uname_result(system='Linux', node='Z490', release='5.8.0-63-generic', version='#71-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jul...

Right so I've been able to reproduce this locally and I think the bug is happening due to an issue with arrow's month humanize limits (see #749). In brief the...

Hello @bersbersbers the first part could be achieved as; ```python start_date.humanize(only_distance=True) '10 seconds' ``` For the second part I don't think `humanize` would be much help, seems like you want...

Ah ok I think I understand what you mean now. @jadchaar what do you think?

Interesting, this is mainly due to this time being ambiguous in the `America/Los_Angeles` zone. ```shell >>> dt1=arrow.get("2021-11-07T01:51:23-08:00").to("America/Los_Angeles") >>> dt1 >>> dt1.fold 1 >>> dt2=dt1.replace(fold=0) >>> dt2 >>> dt2.ambiguous True ```...