
Results 15 comments of raspberry

Maybe you can see this repo.(I can't compile.Any solutions?) [https://github.com/JackyAndroid/AndroidChromium](https://github.com/JackyAndroid/AndroidChromium)

My wifi connection is also has some problem.I enter the AP mode and 2 seconds later,it will go back to wifi setting page automaticlly.Is it normal?

Oh these problem are solved.

Now I want to request a feature:chat on m5 with mqtt. You can see my repo. [https://github.com/sysdl132/Chat_APP_M5Stack](https://github.com/sysdl132/Chat_APP_M5Stack)

Arduino: 1.8.10 (Linux), Board: "M5Stack-Core-ESP32, QIO, 80MHz, ~~Default~~Large APP(No OTA), 921600, None" Don't use default!Use"Large APP No ota" setting.


it should be: ``` Compiling 'StickWatch' for 'M5Stack-Core-ESP32' esptool.py v2.6 Program size: 1,776,962 bytes (used 85% of a 2,097,152 byte maximum) (72.91 secs) Minimum Memory Usage: 60940 bytes (19% of...

Yes.You can keep the screen on for 2 hours.(only low power required)

You can just press the side button to wake it
