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[9360] Has any guys successed on the xps-9360 ?
I have a 9360 laptop, and model i5-7200U, 8GB RAM, 13 inch 1080p screen. I want to try the amazing project to change my laptop OS. If your laptop is same as me, and you have successful experience on the step, please share me a little details. Awesome guys, Pretty thanks!
@Betterluke you can use the following guide. You'll need to buy DW1560. https://www.tonymacx86.com/threads/guide-dell-xps-13-9360-on-macos-sierra-10-12-x-lts-long-term-support-guide.213141/
@mingiryu OMG, the guide is toooo hard for me. Cheers , Awesome guy! Thanks :d
I'm the author of the guide linked above. @BetterLuke, it's not difficult at all, and if you have a look at the latest beta release, everything is hot-patched, so no need to manually patch ACPI. We recently solved most of the (small) remaining issues, and now we reached a very stable state. Have a look :)
Your are a Genius! Thanks :D @bozma88 Thanks for your reply to help me. For me now, I'm using Ubuntu with gnome, I think is a easy way to comfortable using command inter face or do other thinks. Without any hackintosh experience that so awkward, so I'll try to understand it and try it. By the way, I see the pic of your kitchen is tidy, I like it, haha