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XPS 9530 - external displays
Hi there,
used your script to install el capitan to xps 9530. Everything works as expected but I have a big issue. When I ran your script for first time there was a little graphics glitch on top bar. Plugged in HDMI and mDP monitors and everything including audio was working. After sleep internal display won't wake.
After i was searching for the graphics glitch fix a found out that I need to rebuild kext cache once again. I did that and graphics glitch went away. But now i can't use external displays whatsoever. HDMI and mDP is not working at all. Sleep is now working for internal display.
When i use dark void patch 1 external monitor works without glitches with no audio and after connecting second one I get kernel panic.
I don't know how to resolve this, please advise.
I looked into your config.plist and you are using different ig-platform-id than darkvoid uses. That's why it is not working for me.
Anyways I managed to fix the kernel panic with HDMI-audio patch with 12 timing (but noone knows if it is timing or not).
Now 2 displays work but without audio. That is just nice to have for me. If you have any ideas I will be grateful.
I have another two exam tomorrow, I know what's wrong and will fix it in Wednesday.
@animator013 try my latest config.plist and Deploy.sh
Will try it. Thanks.
One more question. I looked to your commits and seen that you are enabling dp, hdmi1 and hdmi2? My xps9530 has only 1 hdmi and 1 mDP. Does it matter?
@animator013 It doesn't matter, I just see the information from linux that our laptop has DP, HDMI1 and HDMI2, thus, I guess the last HDMI is for external dock. Not yet confirmed.
BTW, once you plug in your HDMI, could you mind provide ioreg for me, I want to know which framebuffer@port macOS assign for our laptop.
Thanks, syscl
Ok. Will report back during weekend. Hope that yours ig-platform-id will work for me like the darkvoid's ☺
I am looking forward if all of this goes well. This is a masterpiece. Very good work.
I had some time today and tried it. After deploying your script from current master external displays do not work. After connecting HDMI or DP nothing happens.
After reverting back to my config.plist, everything works except HDMI audio.
I think yours ig-platform-id is not working for me.
FYI, i think you are not enabling 160MB but only 128MB.
<string>Enable 160MB DVMT(48MB Framebuffer, 48MB Cursor), 4ports(port: 0000, 0105, 0204, 0306), 0x0a2e0008</string>
08 00 2e 0a 01 03 04 03 00 00 00 *08* 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 03
8*16Mb = 128Mb. But this is based on fact that the hex value is about DVMT preallocating. I have mine setup at 0a which is 10*16=160Mb.
Nevertheless, it does not have any impact on the system even if I have it set in BIOS to 160Mb. I successfully booted with your deploy normally with full qe/ci but without possibility to connect an external monitor neither with HDMI or DP.
Also I think that 0105 is my HDMI port but it can be related to ig-platform-id.
@animator013 that's the reason why I asked you for ioreg to see which framebuffer@port has been assigned when HDMI is connected, since I have no HDMI and DP display ATM.
what specs you have?
For both QHD+ and UHD model, it's better to use 0a2e0008 than 0a260006.
@animator013 Try my latest config.plist and deploy.sh
My specs are.
XPS 15 (9530) Intel Core i7-4712HQ QHD+ 3200x1800 (1 hdmi, 1mDP) Geforce 750m
Tested latest deploy with config.plist. Same result. No external display working. Ports look totally dead. Don't know if anything can be seen in the ioreg.
Posting my ioreg with both hdmi and mDP plugged in. ioreg.txt
Use this to dump ioreg, one port at a time, not both: if you plug in HDMI, then post the HDMI-ioreg, then unplug cable, plug in DP, post DP-ioreg.
Reposting HDMI ioreg, something messed up content type. hdmi-ioreg.zip
Connector type is OK now, but I don't see any external display under Framebuffer@port, so two possible cases:
- DP and HDPI are corrupted, this need to be confirmed under Windows
- Still need to refine my config.plist
Remember to use my config.plist directly and do forget to rebuild kernel cache and reboot...
Wait for you report, syscl
BTW, do your touch screen work OOB?
Touch screen doesn't work. But I think that needs some driver. I do not use it anyways.
DP and HDMI cannot be corrupted because when I use my config, both displays work.
Always i copy everything from your clover dir, to EFI. Then i run Deploy.sh. Is it not correct ?
So, could you post the ioreg with HDMI plugged-in when using your config.plist.
Since, I don't think this is an issue related to ig-platform-id, if that is the case, I can fix it by kexts2patch :)
So don't worry, syscl
I noticed a weird thing. When i replaced clover folder with my content and do not rebuild the kext cache after reboot i had displays working with audio. After kextcache rebuild no audio :)
Posting my clover folder: CLOVER.zip
There is intel inject false, should I run Deploy.sh ?
oh, sorry, change it to inject = true.
Ok what i've done:
- replaced all content with your clover folder
- run Deploy.sh
- rebuild kextcache
- reboot -> no displays
- replaced config.plist with one your provided with inject set to true
- reboot -> no displays either
I opened diff tool what you've changed and found nothing ? :)
No, you should not run deploy.sh
I change the binary patch...
Tried your new config.plist still HDMI is dead :/
Um, let me differ your config.plist with my config.plist...
I have a new way to test:
- use this config.plist.zip
- rebuild kernel cache
- reboot to see if HDMI or DP work
Tested this config.plist:
- HDMI works with audio
- lost internal display
- after connecting mDP display with HDMI already connected, kernel panic and shutdown