Results 213 comments of Shohei YOSHIDA

I can complete with latest `auto-complete` and `emacs-jedi` with following minimum configuration. ``` lisp (require 'popup) (require 'auto-complete-config) (global-auto-complete-mode t) (ac-config-default) (require 'jedi) (add-hook 'python-mode-hook 'jedi:setup) ``` Its screenshot is...

> But I found that the popup delay is large, i.e. I have to wait for about 2-3 sec to see the > popup. It may be that `jedi`(not `emacs-jedi`)...

Could you tell us in more detail ? What are `` and `` ? Any files ok ? I open some files, however `jedi-mode` is enabled in every files.

I guess that completions are different if `jedi` takes long time or `jedi` does not complete parsing. Then `auto-complete` complete without `jedi` information, such as buffer content, dictionary entries etc....

I suppose this issue cannot be fixed without changing all commit histories. I suppose it is difficult or imposibble. Can you add following git configurations temporary when cloning this repo...

Can you use a forked repository that rewrites the histories correctly ? I'm just a collaborator of this repository so I cannot decide whether I should rewrite histories of this...

I'm afraid that there is no progress

BTW Is this valid markdown syntax ? I couldn't find such examples in [commonmark spec]( Code block can be indented by spaces but other characters other than spaces can not...

I have merged #756. Is there still a problem about this ?

I suppose zeal does not support multiple docsets searching. It seems zeal supports only one docset searching(Ex: php:print) or all docsets searching(print).