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A Pytorch implementation of Neural Network Compression (pruning, deep compression, channel pruning)

Results 5 nn-compression issues
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Could you please tell how can we prune resnets using nn-compression. what goes into next_module,etc for let say resnet-18

Hi, I think the function channel_selection in slender.prune.channel is constructed with some miss. In the paper, they use the next_input_features and next_output_features when channels are selected (paper said X is...

Hi. I'm currently looking at your code. It doesn't produce a bug on 3d convolutions but I wondered if it would eventually work (one epoch with 3d convolution context is...

I'm wondering in your program, when you are doing kernel-wise pruning, does the result speed up CPU/GPU?

Hello, I am learning about gradient compression. Luckily, I read your paper. But now, I am confused about how to achieve the distributed training on Pytorch using sparse tensor. Do...