gatsby-remark-reading-time icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
gatsby-remark-reading-time copied to clipboard

MDX issue: Unknown field 'readingTime' on type 'MdxFields'

Open i-bsd opened this issue 5 years ago • 10 comments

Switched over to MDX. All configuration for gatsby-remark-reading-time left the same.

Doesn't seem to be compatible:

GraphQL Error Encountered 1 error(s):
- Unknown field 'readingTime' on type 'MdxFields'. 

Using this query:

query BlogPostBySlug($slug: String!) {
         site {
           siteMetadata {
         mdx(fields: {slug: {eq: $slug}}) {
           excerpt(pruneLength: 160)
           fields {
             readingTime {

i-bsd avatar Sep 27 '19 09:09 i-bsd

This isn't supported yet. But #5 will bring in support 😄

tgallacher avatar Oct 10 '19 21:10 tgallacher

This can probably be closed now, as MDX support has been merged

tgallacher avatar Oct 13 '19 22:10 tgallacher

Excellent. Thanks. Any changes need to be made to my query for it to work?

i-bsd avatar Oct 15 '19 06:10 i-bsd

Excellent. Thanks. Any changes need to be made to my query for it to work?

Although this change has been merged, I don't believe a new version has been released. Docs on how to use (when it is released) have been added in #7

tgallacher avatar Oct 15 '19 08:10 tgallacher

If you're super stuck and need to move on, you can create a copy of this plugin in your Gatsby setup as a local plugin. You can then remove it once the MDX feature has been released.

tgallacher avatar Oct 15 '19 08:10 tgallacher

Hey @tgallacher, thanks for sharing this intel :+1:

I was just wondering why it isn't working for me either. I see that the changes are already in 1.0.1 and that's the package version I'm using, but apparently it's still not there yet.

I'll follow your suggestion on using this as a local plugin. Hopefully, this gets published soon since it's quite a helpful package.

SMerdzhanov avatar Oct 15 '19 15:10 SMerdzhanov

Hey @tgallacher, thanks for sharing this intel 👍

I was just wondering why it isn't working for me either. I see that the changes are already in 1.0.1 and that's the package version I'm using, but apparently it's still not there yet.

I'll follow your suggestion on using this as a local plugin. Hopefully, this gets published soon since it's quite a helpful package.

Yup, hopefully this is released soon (i'm also using the local plugin approach as a workaround). The changes are in master, but not in a tagged release yet. Version 1.0.1 is from 1 year ago from what I can tell, but hopefully this will be released soon.


tgallacher avatar Oct 15 '19 20:10 tgallacher

y'all... gatsby-transformer-remark supports a timeToRead out-of-the-box 🤯just found this out

ghost avatar Oct 21 '19 09:10 ghost

y'all... gatsby-transformer-remark supports a timeToRead out-of-the-box 🤯just found this out

I'm not sure it's working good tho. I got 1 for pretty long posts.

nemethricsi avatar Feb 25 '21 12:02 nemethricsi

I had a similar error like Unknown field 'readingTime' on type allMdx with a query like:

query {
      allMdx(sort: { frontmatter: { date: ASC } }, limit: 1000) {
        nodes {
          frontmatter {
          fields {
            readingTime {

and I changed node.rawBody to node.body in gatsby-node.js in the node_modules/gatsby-remark-reading-time folder and the query started working.

  } else if (node.internal.type === `Mdx`) {
      name: `readingTime`,
      value: readingTime(node.body)

maybe it has something to do with the Gatsby version? (I was using Gatsby 5.5.0)

adnjoo avatar Feb 06 '23 21:02 adnjoo