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Laravel 10 ft. Inertiajs, Svelte, Typescript, TailwindCSS, Github CI/CD and Pest Tests
The premium version contains a lot more code, tests, and 'swagger' than the open-source version.
Click here to view the Premium Version Online Demo
About Laravelte
Laravelte is an entire webapp based on the Laravel web application framework and Svelte frontend. The main goals of this project is to provide a quick way to get started with your projects.
TODO List Found Here
NB: In this project, we shift our focus from "What controllers do I need?", "should I make a FormRequest for this?", "should this run asynchronously in a job instead?", etc.
"What does my application actually do?" Kinda like RPC
It features:
- All Laravel Features.
- Light & Dark Mode.
- Quick Frontend Scaffolding via Svelte via Inertiajs. Svelte is extremely fast, and provides less boilerplate as compared to Vue and React.
- Different Admin and User dashboard support.
- CI/CD via Github Actions.
- Laravel Actions: Instead of creating controllers, jobs, listeners and so on, it allows you to create a PHP class that handles a specific task and run that class as anything you want.
- Redis support and Laravel Queues.
- Real-time event broadcasting.
- i18N (Localization) - Multiple languages support.
Laravel is accessible, powerful, and provides tools required for large, robust applications.
- Vite v4
- Typescript
- TailwindCSS
- pnpm
- Laravel 10
- Laravel Sanctum
- Svelte 3
- Pest PHP Testing Library
The project uses Pest Testing Library that is fantastic to use.
Tests have been grouped to:
# All tests
php artisan test
# Browser tests
php artisan test --group=browser
# api tests
php artisan test --group=api
# Setup tests
php artisan test --group=setup
# test in parallel
php artisan test --parallel
php artisan test --parallel --processes=4
# list of your ten slowest tests
php artisan test --profile
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