jbeans-emacs icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
jbeans-emacs copied to clipboard

Jellybeans.vim based theme for emacs


A jellybeans.vim inspired theme. Original work by http://github.com/marktran.

This takes the ujelly codebase and adds in the things that were missing for the plugins I use.

This theme uses the new built-in theming support available starting with Emacs 24.





jbeans is available in MELPA.

You can install jbeans with the following command:

M-x package-install jbeans-theme

To load it automatically on Emacs startup add this to your init file:

(load-theme 'jbeans t)


Download jbeans-theme.el to the directory ~/.emacs.d/themes/. Add this to your .emacs:

(add-to-list 'custom-theme-load-path "~/.emacs.d/themes/")

Now you can load the theme with the interactive function load-theme like this:

M-x load-theme RET jbeans

To load it automatically on Emacs startup add this to your init file:

(load-theme 'jbeans t)

Ugly colors in the terminal Emacs version

If your Emacs looks considerably uglier in a terminal (compared to the GUI version) try adding this to your .bashrc or .zshrc:

export TERM=xterm-256color

Source the .bashrc(.zshrc) file and start Emacs again.

Bugs & Improvements

Please, report any problems that you find at the project integrated tracker. If you've added some improvements and you want them included upstream don't hesitate to send me a patch or even better - a GitHub pull request.