Michael Hansen
Michael Hansen
Your understanding is correct :) For some cases, I could see expanding on gruut's abbreviation system, which does the usual regex match/expand stuff. Additionally, the lexicon can be extended with...
I actually started the first version of gruut with spaCy, so this would be bringing it full circle :laughing: spaCy's named entity recognition is certainly much better than mine. My...
Hi @ccoreilly, thanks for offering to volunteer! When adding a new language, my first step is to add the phonemes to [gruut-ipa](https://github.com/rhasspy/gruut-ipa). These should be IPA, and I usually just...
How big is your pronunciation dictionary? Is it eating up all of your memory?
I guess we can consider this thread as "adding a new language" more generally :slightly_smiling_face: @mlrober, can you clarify what "howling all the nos in loss" means? Sorry, I can't...
@JarvyJ Thanks for all of your work on Home Intent! Very impressive and polished work :) Mycroft is starting the process of designing their next architecture, and I'd be interested...
Thank you for the detailed write-up, @JarvyJ! As I was reading, it dawned on me that you've already gotten very far with something that I hadn't even started yet. The...
Thanks for giving this a try, @geezsanr. The Spanish profile is largely untested (outside of some Google TTS phrases), so I'd really like to work with you to make sure...
Thanks! Taking a look now...
Hi @geezsanr, once I added "cuál es el tiempo" to `[GetTemperature]` all of the WAV files were successfully recognized. Given the wake word issue you mentioned, I wonder if there...