Anthony Mittaz

Results 35 comments of Anthony Mittaz

You can use this patch temporarily: []( Steps: - `unzip it` and move the unzipped file into `/patches` - install `patch-package` and follow their setup instructions here: - profit🥇

Native crash report here: ``` ------------------------------------- Translated Report (Full Report Below) ------------------------------------- Incident Identifier: BAF7A125-654F-4630-87B3-AEED8C94407A CrashReporter Key: FCA2991A-A7D4-997B-F901-6A7595C52612 Hardware Model: Mac13,1 Process: newarchcrash [50799] Path: /Users/USER/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/18C7EF3E-B930-405F-8D14-6DF1F826D903/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/E53CFF2B-D451-4677-98D4-978CCF9EF594/ Identifier: com.sync.newarchcrash Version: 1.0.0...

Also tried with the 3.7.x version (same issue) and 3.5.4 (does not compile)

@tjzel thanks for this, the issue:

Indeed doing something like this "fixes" the issue (see attached patch). Obviously not a great patch. ``` - (void)handleJavaScriptDidLoadNotificationOneSecondLater:(NSNotification *)notification { // Schedule a timer with a delay and pass...

but then reanimated animations will crash with a null JSI assertion, so yes definitely not a fix :-)

now that expo 50.x is out i'll try again to reproduce the issue and update this ticket, react-native version has also changed to 0.73.2

updated sample reproduction repo with latest expo and reanimated 3.7.0, crashes like before, haven't had a chance to have a deeper look so far