sympy_gamma copied to clipboard
UI Improvements
Mentioned on Hacker News/Reddit:
- [x] The up/down caret is not clickable in the examples
- [ ] Plot of series shows an exception
- [ ] Show the signature/documentation of the Python function on error
- [ ] Copyable plaintext results
- [ ] Simplify button for results
- [x]
showing an error - [ ] Automatically select the input box when the page loads
Natural language was also mentioned. Some resources:
- Pattern, which offers NLP and machine learning
- QuePy, which is a library for parsing natural language questions and turning them into database queries
- A blog post on modern NLP techniques (apparently more state-of-the-art than what NLTK offers)
Great suggestions. +1
Sent from my mobile phone. On Jan 30, 2014 7:51 PM, "David Li" [email protected] wrote:
Mentioned on Hacker News/Reddit:
- The up/down caret is not clickable in the examples
- Plot of series shows an exception
- Show the signature/documentation of the Python function on error
- Copyable plaintext results
- Simplify button for results
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Nice!! :+1: i can try to fix them and include them into my current pull request..... i think our sympy gamma is going to be awesome...its just the beginning.
I was just wondering that do we need to include copyable plain text when the user can have entire result as IPython Notebook? ...i mean that do we need to include this feature too?
@sahilshekhawat It can be useful in case the user isn't using IPython.
David, i was trying to make gamma plot the series expansions but for some reason it is always calculating series expansion around 0 only. for e.g. series(sin(x), x, pi/2) (Given in examples list of Gamma itself) we want it to plot series around pi/2 but still the terms contains only x, it should be (x-pi/2) instead. So, instead of fixing this bug " Plot of series shows an exception " i think i should first improve the accuracy of results. Any suggestions? BTW I can fix this bug, it is due to "BIg O" which is counted as a Symbol (not defined)..should I?
See the docstring of Expr.series.
I have seen it, it says that it just represents every series in terms of x only and one have to think x as (x-x0)....but their plots will be the same....( obviously with a difference of the constant) thanks, and one more thing @asmeurer can you please share you views on my project idea of improving SymPyGamma on the mailing list
Will that be good to add a button "Download as PDF"?
@debugger22 Chrome (and Windows 8?) can print to PDF already.
Yeah. In that case there's no need.
Just in case someone wants to look at it, Pattern seems like it could be a very good fit for adding NLP, and has a regex-like way to parse sentences. It also doesn't seem to get tripped up by mathematical notation too much.
>>> from pattern.en import parsetree
>>> from import search
>>> parsetree('integrate x^2+3x+5')
[Sentence('integrate/VB/B-VP/O x^2+3x+5/NN/B-NP/O')]
>>> parsetree('integrate x^2 + 3x + 5')
[Sentence('integrate/VB/B-VP/O x^2/NN/B-NP/O +/SYM/O/O 3x/CD/O/O +/SYM/O/O 5/CD/O/O')]
>>> search('NN|CD', parsetree('integrate x^2 + 3x + 5'))
[Match(words=[Word(u'x^2/NN')]), Match(words=[Word(u'3x/CD')]), Match(words=[Word(u'5/CD')])]
>>> search('VB', parsetree('integrate x^2 + 3x + 5'))
# VB is a verb, NN is a noun, SYM is a symbol, CD is a number
Random Example
button is not working on Firefox. Can anyone check it? Maybe it's just me.
It's because that button is a link embedded in a button tag, which technically isn't allowed (thus it doesn't work in Firefox). Someone would have to remove the outer button and style that link to look like the other buttons.