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hundred_percent_error triggered by single failed message
Expected Behavior
Sympa shouldn't start sending messages of the form:
Subject: Listmaster: list [email protected] at 100 percents error
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2023 11:23:46 +0000
From: SYMPA <[email protected]>
To: Listmaster <[email protected]>
The list [email protected] has 100 percents of its users in
error. Something unusual must have happened.
The user (SENDER), who tried to send a mail to this list,
has been warned, as well as the list owners.
See the logs for more details.
Check the bounces in this list:
because of a single failed message rather than a repeating pattern.
(To all of the sender, list owners and listmaster for every subsequent message!)
Current Behavior
At the moment a single message which fails for all subscribers of a list pushes that list into "hundred_percent_error" state which the list owner or listmaster then needs to clear by hand.
Possible Solution
Either watch for repeated failures before switching a list to hundred_percent_error state, or clear the error state automatically if a subsequent delivery works without generating any errors.
Or maybe only generate a hundred_percent_error warnings for a given message when Sympa receives bounces for every subscriber on the list for that message. That is the condition that it is trying to report.
I appreciate that none of these things are simple to implement, which probably explains the current behaviour.
Our Exchange Online tenancy helpfully rejected all of the recipients on a single message because of an (undocumented?) internal limit on that system:
554 5.6.211 Invalid MIME Content: Single text value size (32826) exceeded allowed maximum (32768) for the 'Authentication-Results-Original' header.
This pushed the list in question into hundred_percent_error state.
Further messages to the list generated a lot of spurious messages to senders, list owners and listmaster until I cleared the bounce state by hand. There weren't actually any problems with subsequent messages so:
The user (SENDER), who tried to send a mail to this list,
has been warned, as well as the list owners.
wasn't actually useful and just confused people.
Yes, I also think that multiple notifications are annoying and not useful.
@dpc22, the first of possible solutions you suggested has been discussed on #1412 . How about continuing there?
Exchange Online thought that it would be fun to bounce most incoming email for 5 hours yesterday afternoon. At least for our tenancy, but I gather that it was a larger problem
We now have lots of lists with a high bounce rate, and quite a few in hundred_percent_error, despite the fact they are all now working again. I decided that the simplest solution was to just comment out the code that spams everyone.
# Bounce rate.
my $rate = $list->get_total_bouncing() * 100 / $total;
if (0 and $rate > $list->{'admin'}{'bounce'}{'warn_rate'}) { # XXX DPC
$list->send_notify_to_owner('bounce_rate', {'rate' => $rate});
if (100 <= $rate) {
Sympa::send_notify_to_user($list, 'hundred_percent_error',
'hundred_percent_error', {sender => $message->{sender}});
I don't suppose there is an easy way to reset $list->get_total_bouncing() for all lists?
bounce_address_subscriber | character varying(100) |
bounce_score_subscriber | integer |
bounce_subscriber | character varying(35) |
The following bit of SQL looks plausible:
UPDATE subscriber_table SET bounce_subscriber=NULL where bounce_subscriber IS NOT NULL;
However I don't know if that is likely to cause bad side effects with bounce_address_subscriber and bounce_score_subscriber
Okay, it looks like the expire_bounce task should clean everything up automatically in 10 days time.
I can wait that long and then decide if I want to re-enable the bounce rate notifications.