recipes copied to clipboard
[doctrine-bundle] v. 2.4 file does not exists `docker-compose.yml`
I get the warning that the file does not exists docker-composeyml
. (Missing .). Mac M1.
The file docker-compose.yml
does exist in my project.
As it is correct in it is maybe a problem of the system itself?
`composer recipes:update doctrine/doctrine-bundle Updating recipe for doctrine/doctrine-bundle...
Yes! Recipe updated!
The recipe was updated but with one or more conflicts. Run git status to see them. After resolving, commit your changes like normal.
NOTE: The file docker-composeyml was not updated because it doesn't exist in your app.
Would you like to save the "diff" to a file so you can review it? (Y/n) Y
Saved diff to doctrine.doctrine-bundle.updates-for-deleted-files.patch
- [doctrine-bundle] Upgrade to Postgres 14 and MySQL 8 (PR `
P.S. The post-install notice should be updated to postgres 14 as well.
Maybe this Line too.
As you said, this is a warning and not an error. The docker-compose.yml
file is not needed all the time.
And for the doctrine.yaml file, the line is commented and as indicated above it is better to configure in the variable DATABASE_URL :
But the file docker-compose.yml is changed for this recipe update.
Do you use docker and docker-compose on your project?
So you should have a docker-compose.yml
file at the root of your project. See more info :
Please see above The file docker-compose.yml does exist in my project.
I guess that symfony/flex has an error with detect the correct filename.
vs docker-compose.yml
Maybe i am wrong. But the console output does say that.
I tried to upgrade from Symfony 6.2 to 6.3. The problem still exists. I already have a docker-composer.yml in the project root. Fortunatly a diff file is (or can be) created. But this also contains the filename without dot. Maybe someone has an idea why this happens.
diff --git a/docker-composeyml b/docker-composeyml
index 8aa1121..1067b9c 100644
--- a/docker-composeyml
+++ b/docker-composeyml
@@ -3,19 +3,19 @@ version: '3'
###> doctrine/doctrine-bundle ###
- image: postgres:${POSTGRES_VERSION:-14}-alpine
+ image: postgres:${POSTGRES_VERSION:-15}-alpine
# You should definitely change the password in production
- - db-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data:rw
+ - database_data:/var/lib/postgresql/data:rw
# You may use a bind-mounted host directory instead, so that it is harder to accidentally remove the volume and lose all your data!
# - ./docker/db/data:/var/lib/postgresql/data:rw
###< doctrine/doctrine-bundle ###
###> doctrine/doctrine-bundle ###
- db-data:
+ database_data:
###< doctrine/doctrine-bundle ###%
This must be a general issue. I also get it when upgrading the symfony/mailer recipe. It then says:
The file docker-composeoverrideyml was not updated because it doesn't exist in your app.
For some reason, all dots are removed from the file name.
So, I suppose the recipe update system is broken.
yea, that's super weird. It, indeed, looks like something with the recipe update system is losing the .
in some cases... and only under some conditions. I believe the diff you posted is generated here - - so it's generated FROM git, so it's hard to imagine how it would generate a diff that's missing the .
in the filenames... and this is so rarely reported, it makes me think that it works on most systems, but breaks on just a few.
EDIT: Nevermind, I see this locally as well...
Fixed at
Thanks @weaverryan