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Is it possible for symfony/panther to wait for some elements n times?
Below is my PHP code and I am looking for a custom callback function that I need to make sure I can get more than 5 elements with css identifier "a[data-selenium='neighbor-link']" and I will fetch the html content.
Is it possible? Thank you.
$client = \Symfony\Component\Panther\Client::createChromeClient(null, $options2);
$client->request('GET', $row['url']);
There is similar behavior of php-webdriver . You can see the "Custom conditions" on The sample usage is :
$driver->wait()->until( function () use ($driver) {
$elements = $driver->findElements(WebDriverBy::cssSelector(''));
return count($elements) > 5; },
'Error locating more than five elements' );
OMG @woei66 it's included to waitFor :) Did you read function ? Second parameter = overal timeout - waiting time, Third = ask interval All this included in box
/** * @param string $locator The path to an element to be waited for. Can be a CSS selector or Xpath expression. * * @throws NoSuchElementException * @throws TimeoutException * * @return Crawler */ public function waitFor(string $locator, int $timeoutInSecond = 30, int $intervalInMillisecond = 250)