wakkle icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
wakkle copied to clipboard

A JavaScript library for multi-sensory three-dimensional photographs



Project wakkle is a rethink of how we can read, create and communicate information online.

wakkle.js is the accompanying Javascript library that lets you display high fidel —and— emotional photography inside the web-browser.


Our physical world where we can experience many sorts of information in a visceral and playful manner holds little resemblance to the digital world.

After all, smart devices are still governed by flat and two-dimensional imagery, whereas in reality we can touch and explore our surroundings and grasp spatial information through different lines of sight and the way how sight and sound change.

You can say physical perception and screen based media hitherto contradicts each other.

But if we follow the principle of Emotional Designe and start designing digital products for perception and emotion, we can create experiences that not only stand out of the crowd but stay in users' minds.


How this can look like can be seen in an early prototype of wakkle.js titled Campus Dessau. The application guides you around the university campus of the Anhalt University of Applied Sciences in Germany with its famous Bauhaus on it.

But wakkle.js found also application in simpler setups e.g. just showing and linking multiple products of a fabric shop (see images below).

Image control through device orientation Image control through touch and drag
Device orientation Touch and drag

Table of contents

  • Installation
  • Directory structure
    • Static image
    • Assets
      • Sequence of images
      • Sound
      • Mask
      • Meta
  • Controllers
    • Device orientation
    • Touch drag
    • Head move
    • Mouse move
    • Mouse drag
  • Components
    • Sound
    • Markup
    • Vector
    • Masks
  • Options
  • Photo production workflow
  • How to contribute?



  1. Insert as many wakkle images as you like on your page the same way as you would do it for static, non-3D images.
<img src="images/{image-name}.wakkle">

Note: The embedded image is static as well. The reason is to have a fallback in case something goes wrong in the browser. The only difference is that the original file extension is renamed from e.g. .jpg, .png, .gif to .wakkle which allows wakkle.js to find the according images and replace them with three-dimensional interactive images.

  1. Include the wakkle.js script on your page.
<script src="wakkle.min.js"></script>
  1. Initialize wakkle by calling its init() function.

Note: The initialization requires the DOM to be ready. To make sure this is the case, I recommend initializing wakkle at the very end of the page.


You can extend the image with custom HTML elements, since the idea of wakkle is not just about having a three-dimensional photo but to create an immersive experience.

<!-- Wakkle wrapper: -->

    <!-- Sequence gets loaded here: -->
    <img src="images/{image-name}.wakkle">
    <!-- Spacial sound goes here: -->
    <wakkle-sound source="images/{image-name}/sound.mp3"></wakkle-sound>

    <!-- HTML markup goes here: -->
    <wakkle-markup mask="images/{image-name}/mask.svg">
        <div x='0' y='10' z='10' rotation-x='0' rotation-y='0' rotation-z='0'>
            <h1>Here we go!</h1>
            <p>This is a canvas for html elements.</p>


Elements wrapped inside wakkle-markup will be positioned at the scene's three-dimensional origin.

Inside the wakkle-markup you can make use of the positioning attributes x, y and z. Visible positions range from -100 to +100 on each axis.

Additionally, you can make use of rotational attributes rotation-x, rotation-y and rotation-z which contain an angle value in degrees.

Note: The elements' anchorpoint is at the center. This means when you for example position an element at position 0 on the y-axis half of the element's height will be positioned below the horizontal plane. Depending on your photograph this might look a bit strange. You can fix this by for example setting the css property transform: translateY(-50%);

At the init-step, you can also pass your individual configuration to wakkle. More details about available options later.

        ui: false

Directory structure

wakkle.js requires a specific file structure inside your images directory.

├── {image-name}.wakkle
└── {image-name}
    ├── 01.jpg
    ├── 02.jpg
    ├── ...
    ├── 29.jpg
    ├── 30.jpg
    ├── sound.mp3
    ├── mask.svg
    └── meta.json

As you can see, your {image-name} is represented on two places.

First, at {image-name}.wakkle which is the static image that you have included into your HTML file in one of the previous steps.

Second, in the name of the directory which contains the wakkle image's assets.

Static image

{image-name}.wakkle is the image that becomes embedded in the page. It equals the image in the middle of the sequence. In case of a sequence of 30 images this means image 15.jpg.

For better differentiation it got a proper name and the original file extension is replaced with .wakkle.

Note: Since the file's internal headers remain in tact the image can still be displayed by the browser and act as a fallback in case the browser cannot execute wakkle.js properly.


Sequence of images [required]

Even though the script handles any number of images, for best performance it is recommended to have a sequence of 30 images.

The naming starts at 1 and the number of digits has to stay consistent.

Example: If the sequence contained 30 images, which means the highest number has 2 digits, the other images need to have 2 digits as well. This can be done by filling up the missing digits with leading zeros e.g. 01.jpg. If the sequence contained 100 images (not recommended!), the first image would be 001.jpg.

The file extension can be any that is common on the web e.g. .jpg, .gif, .png.

Sound [optional]

sound.mp3 is a stereo ambient sound file whose channels get re-mixed according to the users interaction.

Mask [optional]

mask.svg can be used to integrate generated content better into the three-dimensional scene.

Meta [optional]

meta.json holds necessary information if you want to add other features to the three-dimensional scene, such as spatial ambient sound or HTML elements.

    "WAKKLE-dataset": {
        "FOV":       92.3
        "Arc":       50,
        "ArcShift": -36,
        "OriginX":   50,
        "OriginY":   55,
        "Sound":    "sound.mp3"
  • FOV

    FOV is the abbreviation for Field Of View. It is a number in degrees which provides wakkle.js details about the perspective which in turn makes it possible to map objects seamlesly into the scene.

    To find out this number, you can check camera and lens specifications or simply look into the EXIF data of one of the images in the sequence. This conditions, though, that the photo's exif data hasn't got stripped away through e.g. image compression.

  • Arc

    Imagine two lines: One from the first standpoint directing to the center of the scene and the other from the last standpoint directing to the center of the scene. Arc is the angle (in degrees) which results between those two lines.

  • ArcShift

    ArcShift is an angle (in degrees) that shifts the Y rotation zero.

  • OriginX

    OriginX describes the perspective's origin on the screen in percentage.

  • OriginY

    OriginY describes the perspective's origin on the screen in percentage.

  • Sound

    Sound contains the name of a (stereo) sound file which is located inside the image's asset folder.


wakkle.js includes different modes of control which allow an intuitive interaction on various device types.

It automatically detects available device sensors and lets access the according controller which feels most natural.

Device orientation

On mobile, device_orientation is probably the most intuitive gesture, when thinking of the metaphor holding a picture in your hands.

Touch drag

Considering that all interactions on mobile happen via touch, touch_drag is the secondary control mode.

Head move


On desktop computers which don't have device orientation sensors but e.g. a front-camera, the controller can be set to head_move. In that case, wakkle.js will start tracking the user's head movement and magically moves the 3D scence.

Note: This feature is based on Audun Mathias Øygard's headtrackr and requires this library to be located in the same directory.

Mouse move

mouse_move is a controller that usually works on any desktop computer. It reacts to cursor movements.

Mouse drag

mouse_drag is a controller that usually works on any desktop computer. It reacts to a combination of left click and cursor movements.



This component requires the sound dataset attribute which contains the path to a sound file (relative to the image's asset folder). It can be set inside meta.json (recommended) or as html attribute.


This component requires the arc's angle value as well as rapping your image between <wakkle-image> and </wakkle-image>.

    <img src="images/{image-name}.wakkle">
    <wakkle-markup><!-- HTML goes here. --></wakkle-markup>

Elements wrapped inside wakkle-markup will be mapped automatically to the user's interaction. In addition, they can be moved and rotated through attributes x, y, z and rotation-x, rotation-yand rotation-z.


Note: This feature is not yet supported but coming soon!


  • grid: (default: false) A grid on the xy plane in the scene
  • ui: (default: true) Icons that allow switch between different controllers
  • fullscreen: (default: false) Fullscreen button

Photo production workflow

The production workflow for three-dimensional and audio-visual photography is a bit more challenging than regular photography. But I have tested and collected a couple of workflows which I willwrite about soon.

How to contribute?

wakkle.js is created in the spare time by Friedrich Schultheiß and released under MIT licence.

Any help on the project is more than welcomed. For any problem/question do not hesitate to open an issue.

wakkle.js is based on Webpack. If you like to contribute to the code, just make a git clone, let npm install the dev dependencies and you are ready to go.

git clone https://github.com/symdesign/wakkle.git
npm install

You like the project?

Help to keep it running.

I would appreciate if you spread the word with any photographer, developer or marketer you know.

Also, donations at any amount are more than welcome.
