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Display more information about the voting status of a node
=== Background
We are able to display more information about the voting status of a node.
When we show details about a node, we say if they have a voting role, but not if they are actively voting (node has active voting key link)
=== User Story
As a user looking at the details of a node, I want to know if they have voting rights and how they are voting, as much as possible, so I can understand how that node operates and act accordingly.
=== Acceptance Criteria
AC1. In the details of a node, I can clearly understand if the user has voted or is voting in any way they can vote, with enough detail.
@fboucquez shared that in the monitoring tool they have a check, to know if a node is actually voting: https://hackmd.io/zRunMTDDSO2fMrKOaPsgKg?view#How-to-check-if-a-node-is-voting
Afaik, the epoch check is not absolute. If a node's voting key is not in an epoch proof, it means that it didn't participate in that epoch but it doesn't mean it's not voting at all, it's more like a yellow warning. If the node's voting key is not in the proof for several epochs, that's an orange/red flag.
Our cron jobs for testnet and mainnet validate that voting nodes are including the epoch proofs. 99% of the time the voting keys are in the proofs.
Ofc, if the node doesn't have an active linked voting key for the epochs, it's not voting at all.
@gimre-xymcity @Wayonb could you confirm the logic in the doc and the statement above?