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Search failed. This means there is unmatched expression somewhere or we are at the beginning/end of file

Open leolle opened this issue 7 years ago • 16 comments

Every time I type ( at a buffer, emacs will automatically give me (). Then I press C-f to move the cursor forward inside the parentheses, hit C-d to delete the right paretheses, the buffer will freeze for half a minute and show me the message: Search failed. This means there is unmatched expression somewhere or we are at the beginning/end of file.

Can anybody help me to disable this annoying thing? Thank you.

leolle avatar Sep 22 '17 01:09 leolle

This is caused by smartparens mode.

You can disable the package by adding it to dotspacemacs-excluded-packages but I would check the following .spacemacs settings first:

   ;; If non-nil smartparens-strict-mode will be enabled in programming modes.
   ;; (default nil)
   dotspacemacs-smartparens-strict-mode nil
   ;; If non-nil pressing the closing parenthesis `)' key in insert mode passes
   ;; over any automatically added closing parenthesis, bracket, quote, etc…
   ;; This can be temporary disabled by pressing `C-q' before `)'. (default nil)
   dotspacemacs-smart-closing-parenthesis nil

You may find that if one is one it could be causing the problem. Note that if you disable smartparens they may not auto close and you'll want to investigate other options like electric-pair-mode.

chasinglogic avatar Sep 22 '17 03:09 chasinglogic

@chasinglogic Thanks for response. My default setting is

   ;; If non-nil smartparens-strict-mode will be enabled in programming modes.
   ;; (default nil)
   dotspacemacs-smartparens-strict-mode nil
   ;; If non-nil pressing the closing parenthesis `)' key in insert mode passes
   ;; over any automatically added closing parenthesis, bracket, quote, etc…
   ;; This can be temporary disabled by pressing `C-q' before `)'. (default nil)

I added your last line on my configure and the following message shows up:

Search failed. This means there is unmatched expression somewhere or we are at the beginning/end of file.
Error running timer `sp-show--pair-function': (beginning-of-buffer)

leolle avatar Sep 24 '17 06:09 leolle

@leolle As a debugging step can you add smartparens to your dotspacemacs-excluded-packages ?

I wouldn't recommend leaving it like this but it'd be an easy way to tell if that's the actual performance problem your running into. (I too have smartparens show this message from time to time but don't experience the freezes that you are).

Additionally we can tell exactly what's hanging up using one of two methods:

1. Profiling

Emacs has a built in profiler that you can start at any time using M-x profiler-start. You can run just cpu profiling or cpu+mem (usually Emacs hang ups are cpu bound not memory bound). If you start it just before triggering the bug that would give us the best info. After the freeze has finished and Emacs is mostly back to normal run M-x profiler-report and you'll get a buffer with a bunch of output, if you could post that in the comments that would be helpful. Remember that after you're done to run M-x profiler-stop you do take a performance hit for running the profiling.

2. Kill Signals

If the freeze is lasting long enough you can actually send the emacs process a special kill signal that will cause it to crash the current function call and spit out a backtrace. The instructions for doing so are here:

I've copy and pasted the relevant answer:

$ kill -SIGUSR2 <emacs_pid_goes_here>

This will make Emacs attempt to break out of its current loop into the Lisp debugger.

Or use this one liner without typing emacs pid manually:

$ ps aux | grep -ie emacs | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -SIGUSR2

Alternatively, if killall is available:

$ killall -USR2 emacs

Using one of both of these methods would be helpful.

chasinglogic avatar Sep 24 '17 20:09 chasinglogic

@chasinglogic Hi, below is the report content: Memory:

- timer-event-handler                                   1,070,720,899  88%
 - byte-code                                            1,070,659,523  88%
  - apply                                               1,070,644,413  88%
   - sp-show--pair-function                             1,027,103,387  85%
    - #<compiled 0x1a01df9>                             1,024,003,361  84%
     - sp-get-thing                                     1,024,001,265  84%
      - sp-get-sexp                                     1,022,562,965  84%
       - sp-get-expression                              1,022,558,741  84%
        - sp-get-stringlike-or-textmode-expression      1,020,747,753  84%
         - sp-get-string                                1,020,710,345  84%
          - sp-skip-into-string                         1,020,701,961  84%
           - sp-point-in-string                         1,004,799,321  83%
            - byte-code                                   901,777,017  74%
             - syntax-ppss                                692,791,083  57%
              - funcall                                   185,552,455  15%
                 #<compiled 0x1d06595>                    158,730,954  13%
                make-byte-code                                  9,204   0%
                vector                                          3,019   0%
          + sp-point-in-comment                                 6,288   0%
          + sp-point-in-string                                  2,096   0%
         + sp-get-stringlike-expression                        35,296   0%
        + sp-get-paired-expression                          1,068,204   0%
        + sp--get-allowed-regexp                              399,884   0%
        + sp--get-stringlike-regexp                           304,472   0%
          sp--search-backward-regexp                           22,788   0%
          sp--search-forward-regexp                             2,048   0%
      + sp-skip-backward-to-symbol                            643,320   0%
      + sp--get-allowed-pair-list                             467,088   0%
      + sp--get-closing-regexp                                 89,976   0%
      + sp-skip-forward-to-symbol                              88,320   0%
      + sp--get-opening-regexp                                 85,916   0%
      + sp--looking-back                                       35,212   0%
      + sp-point-in-empty-string                               11,504   0%
        sp--looking-at                                          3,356   0%
       sp-show--pair-create-overlays                            1,040   0%
    - sp--get-allowed-regexp                                  997,820   0%
     - sp--get-allowed-pair-list                              624,112   0%
      + sp--do-action-p                                       618,912   0%
     + sp--strict-regexp-opt                                  359,148   0%
       apply                                                    5,200   0%
       mapcar                                                   4,160   0%
    + sp--get-stringlike-regexp                               801,728   0%
    + sp--get-allowed-pair-list                               636,448   0%
    + sp--get-opening-regexp                                  319,196   0%
    + sp--get-closing-regexp                                  235,280   0%
    + sp--looking-back                                         68,150   0%
   + semantic-idle-scheduler-function                      33,120,622   2%
   + company-idle-begin                                     5,368,070   0%
   + flycheck-handle-idle-change                            3,621,626   0%
   + #<compiled 0x1bca32d>                                  1,416,148   0%
     jit-lock-context-fontify                                   4,160   0%
   + hl-paren-highlight                                         4,144   0%
     auto-revert-buffers                                        1,040   0%
 + timer-activate-when-idle                                    35,360   0%
 + timer-inc-time                                              12,496   0%
 + timer-activate                                               7,280   0%
   timer-until                                                  1,040   0%
+ command-execute                                          83,190,938   6%
+ redisplay_internal (C function)                          47,734,276   3%
+ delete-selection-pre-hook                                 2,333,332   0%
+ xselect-convert-to-string                                   393,392   0%
+ winner-save-old-configurations                              335,008   0%
+ linum-update-current                                        316,070   0%
+ comint-output-filter                                        248,259   0%
+ company-post-command                                        121,604   0%
+ sp--save-pre-command-state                                   90,528   0%
+ flycheck-handle-signal                                       43,940   0%
+ url-http-generic-filter                                      41,454   0%
+ yas--post-command-handler                                    32,384   0%
+ global-hl-line-highlight                                      8,480   0%
+ which-key--hide-popup                                         5,200   0%
+ global-font-lock-mode-check-buffers                           2,080   0%
+ global-evil-search-highlight-persist-check-buffers            2,080   0%
+ global-vi-tilde-fringe-mode-check-buffers                     2,080   0%
  xselect-convert-to-targets                                    2,080   0%
+ hl-paren-initiate-highlight                                   1,056   0%
+ sp--pair-overlay-post-command-handler                           960   0%
+ flycheck-display-error-at-point-soon                            720   0%
  ...                                                               0   0%


- timer-event-handler                                           24493  83%
 - byte-code                                                    24493  83%
  - apply                                                       24493  83%
   - sp-show--pair-function                                     24075  82%
    - #<compiled 0x1a01df9>                                     23769  81%
     - sp-get-thing                                             23769  81%
      - sp-get-sexp                                             23598  80%
       - sp-get-expression                                      23598  80%
        - sp-get-stringlike-or-textmode-expression              23460  80%
         - sp-get-string                                        23460  80%
          - sp-skip-into-string                                 22737  77%
           - sp-point-in-string                                 22587  77%
            - byte-code                                         22214  75%
             - syntax-ppss                                      21500  73%
              + funcall                                         18769  64%
        + sp-get-paired-expression                                 73   0%
        + sp--get-stringlike-regexp                                28   0%
        + sp--get-allowed-regexp                                   24   0%
        + sp--search-backward-regexp                               13   0%
      + sp-skip-backward-to-symbol                                 75   0%
      + sp--get-allowed-pair-list                                  61   0%
      + sp-skip-forward-to-symbol                                  12   0%
        sp--looking-back                                           12   0%
      + sp--get-opening-regexp                                      7   0%
    - sp--get-allowed-regexp                                      122   0%
     + sp--get-allowed-pair-list                                   95   0%
     + sp--strict-regexp-opt                                       24   0%
       mapcar                                                       3   0%
    + sp--get-stringlike-regexp                                    54   0%
    + sp--get-allowed-pair-list                                    51   0%
    + sp--looking-back                                             21   0%
    + sp--get-opening-regexp                                       19   0%
    + sp--get-closing-regexp                                        7   0%
   + company-idle-begin                                           212   0%
   + semantic-idle-scheduler-function                             118   0%
   + flycheck-handle-idle-change                                   14   0%
   + hl-paren-highlight                                             4   0%
+ ...                                                            1913   6%
+ command-execute                                                1751   5%
+ redisplay_internal (C function)                                 872   2%
+ delete-selection-pre-hook                                       130   0%
+ linum-update-current                                             92   0%
+ which-key--hide-popup                                            15   0%
+ company-post-command                                             14   0%
+ evil--jump-hook                                                  13   0%
+ winner-save-old-configurations                                   11   0%
+ sp--save-pre-command-state                                        7   0%
  yas--post-command-handler                                         6   0%
+ flycheck-display-error-at-point-soon                              4   0%

If I still want to use smartparent(yes, it does help me a lot), what should I do?

leolle avatar Sep 28 '17 03:09 leolle

So at this point we have great debugging information but it all points to smartparens being the issue not spacemacs. I would recommend taking this info upstream to smartparens. Additionally I would want to know:

  • Version of Emacs
  • Version of Spacemacs
  • Version of Smartparens (maybe you need to update the package)
  • Does this happen in all major modes? If not which ones does it effect?

chasinglogic avatar Sep 28 '17 16:09 chasinglogic

GNU Emacs 24.5.1 (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.10.8) of 2016-07-01 on weiwu-VirtualBox

Spacemacs v.0.105.21

smartparens is an installed package.

 Status: Installed in `~/.emacs.d/elpa/smartparens-20160619.322/' (unsigned).
Archive: n/a
Version: 20160619.322

Requires: dash-2.12.1, cl-lib-0.3 Summary: Automatic insertion, wrapping and paredit-like navigation with user defined pairs. Other versions: 20170917.104 (melpa-cn).


My daily usage of emacs is org mode, python mode and Inferior Python mode, this issue only happens at working on python.

leolle avatar Sep 29 '17 02:09 leolle

I am getting a similar message when the cursor is on '>' character in '=>' in react-layer.

zenobht avatar Jan 24 '18 12:01 zenobht

Very annoying. When I type a ( in c++-mode, it shows up every time

MaskRay avatar Feb 04 '18 05:02 MaskRay

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Please let us know if this issue is still valid!

github-actions[bot] avatar Feb 28 '20 15:02 github-actions[bot]

Can't provide the exact steps to reproduce(yet) but this message/warning freezes my spacemacs pretty regularly.

Happens only in Clojure mode in my case

nfedyashev avatar Apr 02 '20 05:04 nfedyashev

This happened to me when I was in rspec mode trying to run tests for the current file. I was able to get rid of this message and run my tests, after I enabled and disabled rspec mode in some another buffer.

ccozkan avatar May 13 '20 23:05 ccozkan

Very annoying for me too. I notice that it might stop Emacs if the buffer content is quite large. like in ESS inferior R mode, where I run an R interactive console, and it can be easy to have lots of contents in this buffer. Then if I type ), the emacs has no responses at all ...

beyondpie avatar Jun 17 '20 14:06 beyondpie

I often, when editing in org-mode seem to run in to a pause when I enter the ) character. When I toggle debug-on-quit, I can see that it is stuck looking for. the matching open parenthesis in spacemacs/smart-closing-parenthesis.

I've tried turning off smartparens, but that doesn't seem to have any effect on this function which seems to always search for a matching open parens.

I wouldn't mind if this was in elisp or something, but when typing in things in org-mode, when I'm taking notes, it is really annoying when it happens, totally ruining the flow of the typing that I'm doing.

If it at least respected the smartparens on or off it that would be OK and I could disable it for the buffer, but it doesn't appear to.

I'm using the latest develop branch and also emacs 28, but have experienced it for a long time, just put up with it.

Please consider adding some sort of test at the start of the function to check if smartparens is enabled or not, or at least some spacemacs specific variable is set or not.

I realise now after looking at this that there is an initialization toggle, but that seems to be the wrong level to have it at?

Dar-BN avatar Feb 28 '21 20:02 Dar-BN

This still happens to me in Fortran mode. It seems to be resolved temporarily after I run 'M-x revert-buffer' but it immediately comes back after I insert a snippet. Does anybody have any idea how to fix this? I'd really like to see this back to working as it is quite convenient.

XushanLu avatar Oct 27 '21 12:10 XushanLu

Found a workaround based on this link:

Quote it here:

The issue is described here: Fuco1/smartparens#431

To workaround this, we can disable smartparens before snippet is inserted and enable after the snippet is inserted:

(add-hook 'yas-before-expand-snippet-hook (lambda () (smartparens-mode -1)))
(add-hook 'yas-after-exit-snippet-hook (lambda () (smartparens-mode 1)))

XushanLu avatar Oct 27 '21 12:10 XushanLu

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Please let us know if this issue is still valid!

github-actions[bot] avatar May 01 '24 16:05 github-actions[bot]