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`vim-powerline` startup error
Description :octocat:
After updating emacs to the latest development branch, I was getting the following error on every startup:
(Spacemacs) --> installing package: vim-powerline@spacemacs-modeline... [1/1]
Fetcher: file
Source: nil
/Users/haru/.emacs.d/.cache/quelpa/build/vim-powerline/vim-colors.el -> /var/folders/ts/5p4gxt6941q3mbmflmmrqm2w0000gn/T/vim-powerlineA7SmZK/vim-powerline-20220721.194245/vim-colors.el
/Users/haru/.emacs.d/.cache/quelpa/build/vim-powerline/vim-powerline-theme.el -> /var/folders/ts/5p4gxt6941q3mbmflmmrqm2w0000gn/T/vim-powerlineA7SmZK/vim-powerline-20220721.194245/vim-powerline-theme.el
Error getting PACKAGE-DESC: (file-missing Opening input file No such file or directory /Users/haru/.emacs.d/.cache/quelpa/packages/vim-powerline-20220721.194245.tar)
(Spacemacs) Error:
An error occurred while installing vim-powerline (error: (wrong-type-argument package-desc nil))
Reproduction guide :beetle:
- Start Emacs with latest develop release
Observed behaviour: :eyes: :broken_heart: Emacs starts and is otherwise functional
Expected behaviour: :heart: :smile: Emacs starts without errors
System Info :computer:
- OS: darwin
- Emacs: 28.1
- Spacemacs: 0.999.0
- Spacemacs branch: fix-vim-powerline (rev. baf1256b0)
- Graphic display: nil
- Running in daemon: nil
- Distribution: spacemacs
- Editing style: vim
- Completion: helm
- Layers:
(auto-completion :variables auto-completion-enable-snippets-in-popup t)
(c-c++ :variables c-c++-backend 'lsp-clangd)
(clojure :variables clojure-backend 'cider clojure-enable-clj-refactor t clojure-enable-linters
'(clj-kondo joker)
clojure-indent-style 'always-indent)
(colors :variables colors-enable-nyan-cat-progress-bar nil colors-colorize-identifiers nil)
command-log d
(dhall :variables dhall-format-at-save nil dhall-use-header-line nil dhall-command nil)
(docker :variables docker-dockerfile-backend 'lsp)
emacs-lisp emoji git
(go :variables go-tab-width 2 go-backend 'lsp)
(haskell :variables haskell-completion-backend 'lsp)
helm html
(java :variables java-backend 'lsp)
(json :variabels json-backend nil)
(lsp :variables lsp-enable-file-watchers t lsp-file-watch-threshold 10000 lsp-log-io t)
markdown multiple-cursors
(osx :variables osx-right-command-as 'super)
pass pdf perl5 python racket
(ruby :variables ruby-backend 'nil)
(scala :variables scala-backend 'scala-metals)
(scheme :variables scheme-implementations
'(guile racket))
(shell :variables shell-default-shell 'vterm shell-default-term-shell "zsh" vterm-clear-scrollback-when-clearing t)
(spacemacs-layouts :variables spacemacs-layouts-restrict-spc-tab t persp-autokill-buffer-on-remove 'kill-weak)
(sql :variables sql-backend 'lsp sql-capitalize-keywords t)
(terraform :variables terraform-backend 'lsp)
(treemacs :variables treemacs-use-scope-type 'Perspectives)
(version-control :variables version-control-diff-side 'left)
xclipboard yaml
(zig :variables zls-backend 'lsp))
Backtrace :paw_prints:
you're on the wrong branch.
Reported the issue in the PRs branch by mistake. This happened on develop
try clearing ~/.emacs.d/.cache/quelpa/packages first.
Same error. I did clear the entire ~/.emacs.d/.cache
before trying syl20bnr/spacemacs#15653. Would that have unwanted side-effects?
try a fresh install then...
Took a while, but same error. If I'm the only one facing this issue, I'm cool with closing it. I'll just keep my build with my fork.
Although this was from a clean develop
(not counting my .spacemacs
Note that your changes are erroneous....
Maybe worth nothing: the error only showed up after restarting emacs. During the reinstall, everything was ok. But after I've closed emacs and reopened it, the error showed up.
Note that your changes are erroneous....
In the sense it breaks? I took that fix out of code I've seen around the repo. Such as this one
There might be something a little deeper at play here. Using a clean develop
branch, I'm now getting the following:
(Spacemacs) --> installing package: zonokai-emacs@themes-megapack... [1/2]
Fetcher: github
Source: ZehCnaS34/zonokai-emacs
Updating /Users/haru/.emacs.d/.cache/quelpa/build/zonokai-emacs/
/Users/haru/.emacs.d/.cache/quelpa/build/zonokai-emacs/zonokai-blue-theme.el -> /var/folders/ts/5p4gxt6941q3mbmflmmrqm2w0000gn/T/zonokai-emacsI6O7tw/zonokai-emacs-20160321.2325/zonokai-blue-theme.el
/Users/haru/.emacs.d/.cache/quelpa/build/zonokai-emacs/zonokai-red-theme.el -> /var/folders/ts/5p4gxt6941q3mbmflmmrqm2w0000gn/T/zonokai-emacsI6O7tw/zonokai-emacs-20160321.2325/zonokai-red-theme.el
/Users/haru/.emacs.d/.cache/quelpa/build/zonokai-emacs/zonokai-theme.el -> /var/folders/ts/5p4gxt6941q3mbmflmmrqm2w0000gn/T/zonokai-emacsI6O7tw/zonokai-emacs-20160321.2325/zonokai-theme.el
/Users/haru/.emacs.d/.cache/quelpa/build/zonokai-emacs/zonokai.el -> /var/folders/ts/5p4gxt6941q3mbmflmmrqm2w0000gn/T/zonokai-emacsI6O7tw/zonokai-emacs-20160321.2325/zonokai.el
Error getting PACKAGE-DESC: (file-missing Opening input file No such file or directory /Users/haru/.emacs.d/.cache/quelpa/packages/zonokai-emacs-20160321.2325.tar)
(Spacemacs) Error:
An error occurred while installing zonokai-emacs (error: (wrong-type-argument package-desc nil))
(Spacemacs) --> installing package: vim-powerline@spacemacs-modeline... [2/2]
Fetcher: file
Source: nil
/Users/haru/.emacs.d/.cache/quelpa/build/vim-powerline/vim-colors.el -> /var/folders/ts/5p4gxt6941q3mbmflmmrqm2w0000gn/T/vim-powerlineKRATVB/vim-powerline-20220721.205145/vim-colors.el
/Users/haru/.emacs.d/.cache/quelpa/build/vim-powerline/vim-powerline-theme.el -> /var/folders/ts/5p4gxt6941q3mbmflmmrqm2w0000gn/T/vim-powerlineKRATVB/vim-powerline-20220721.205145/vim-powerline-theme.el
Error getting PACKAGE-DESC: (file-missing Opening input file No such file or directory /Users/haru/.emacs.d/.cache/quelpa/packages/vim-powerline-20220721.205145.tar)
(Spacemacs) Error:
An error occurred while installing vim-powerline (error: (wrong-type-argument package-desc nil))
Basically the same error, but with the github
fetcher involving ZehCnaS34/zonokai-emacs
Rather strange.
please install gnu tar and retry.
The same error, it seems cannot get package from github.
the same error for me
Indeed. Adding gnutar
from nixpgks
into my home-manager setup made it work 🎉
Thanks for the help, @lebensterben
@prepor @humorForus
Are you running bugOS? Try to install gnu tar and retry.
I had the same issue, brew install gnu-tar
solved it for me. Thanks.
Although installing gnu-tar
fixes the issue, it turns out that I made a mistake in a recent commit.
The latest commit should have fixed it without requiring of gnu-tar
on macOS or Windows.
I just recently experienced the same problem on macOS, and installing gnu-tar
fixed it. Here are the details as best I recall (I was not taking notes).
Started with Emacs 28.1 where I don't recall having the error.
Updated Emacs to 28.2 and got errors. Here are snippets from the *Messages*
Error getting PACKAGE-DESC: (wrong-type-argument stringp nil)
(Spacemacs) Error:
An error occurred while installing vim-powerline (error: (wrong-type-argument package-desc nil))
Error getting PACKAGE-DESC: (wrong-type-argument stringp nil)
(Spacemacs) Error:
An error occurred while installing inspector (error: (wrong-type-argument package-desc nil))
Updated Spacemacs/develop to 913962b3e
, restarted, and had the same errors.
Installed gnu-tar
and Spacemacs started cleanly, no errors in ~Messages~ buffer.
I'm on Windows and am having this same issue with a fresh install of emacs 28.1, Spacemacs develop branch (commit f1c7979b6). But I can't figure out how to install gnu-tar on Windows.
I'm on Windows and am having this same issue with a fresh install of emacs 28.1, Spacemacs develop branch (commit f1c7979b6). But I can't figure out how to install gnu-tar on Windows.
There is a section in readme about installing GNU tar on Windows via
I had the same issue on MacOS and brew install gnu-tar
solved that.