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Talk Notes for The End of Localhost (Infobip Shift 2022)
slug: end-of-localhost-infobip description: I retruend to Zadar!
Talk Plan
- opening
- returning to the mainframe
- personal computer
- going back to the mainframe
- personal story 1
- lets say you are a fullstack developer
- frontend and backend on laptop
- iteration speed fast
- 1.0 then you get serverless religion
- frontend on laptop, backend on cloud
- redeploy speed slow
- 1.1 create a local mock server - netlify-lambda
- ping the mock server
- CORS - proxy
- bugs:
- netlify identity
- netlify routing
- env variables
- 1.2 create a bigger mock server - netlify dev
- compile netlify routing engine to wasm
- pull down the env variables
- more bugs
- netlify forms
- netlify build
- personal story 2
- aws - lambda and database
- local mock cli
- very slow deploy
- trigger only one at a time, and super slow
- so we built datastore - full clone
- redeploy was super slow <- look up my modernwebpodcast livestream? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VA3TFymZlW4
- more broadly
- database replication
- faking, seeding
- stripping out PII
- personal story 3 - temporal
- docker - works on machine, ship machine
- dont run docker compose in production
- ok... k8s?
- cant run k8s on the laptop
- wrong version of go, node, need to set up mTLS certs, etc
- saas service providers
- summary
- if the browser reduced operating systems to "a poorly debugged set of device drivers", then the cloud is reducing the dev machine to a poorly maintained set of environment mocks.
- sisiphyean battle
- one clap if you ever worked on a system too big for one machine
- two clap if you ever had something work in dev and fail in prod
- three claps if you ever started a project and realized you had the wrong environment
- four claps if you ever wrote this kind of code - if localhost then x, then y
- end of story time
- start of endoflocalhost pitch
- play clip of sam lambert
- tweeted this out and got a lot of responses
- i want to code on a plane
- cold dead hands
- Reason 1 - validation by others
- future is here, just not evenly distributed - list bigcos that have moved to remote dev
- guillermo ipad photo https://twitter.com/rauchg/status/1274766898530357249
- ok it works for bigcos but what about me
- Reason 2 - ephemeral, powerful dev machines in the cloud
- power: resources, saas services
- bootstrapping: new machine
- control: locking down what devs do
- one solution that has all 3
- access - 2k machine for AI SOTA. get it down to 200 chromebook.
- Reason 3 - cloud eating outer loop vs inner loop
- deploy previews - netlify, vercel, heroku - useful?
- CI/CD - done deal (jenkins, circleci)
- latency: have you heard of the speed of light?
- outlook -> gmail
- game streaming, browser streaming
- movies/TV -> netflix
- adobe -> figma
- sourcegraph, copilot
- independence
- food, water, electricity
- personal preferences
- having local dev but linking cloud dev
- Solutions that are out there
- dont forget ivan's codeanywhere
- entirely in browser
- remote server, local editor
- branching environments
- Still not good enough
- latency of netlify drop, cli
- branching is still quite new
- edge compute as the last mile?
- language server protocol shows you can have client diversity
- environment branching protocol???
- new privacy and security concerns
- Closing arguments
- not selling you anything
- git -> branches are throwaway
- branching for code vs branching for environments
- commoditization of technology
- from pets to cattle
- closing meme
FYI your RSS feed is broken because URL is missing the www.
yeah, fixed!