react-native-input-outline copied to clipboard
The text field is preventing the scrolling of ScrollView
return ( <View style={{flexDirection: 'row', alignItems: 'center', ...containerStyle}}> {renderLeadingIcon ? renderLeadingIcon : null} <InputStandard ref={inputRef} fontColor={fontColor} error={error} // wont take effect until a message is passed backgroundColor={backgroundColor ? backgroundColor : 'transaparent'} activeColor={activeColor ? activeColor : colors.primary} inactiveColor={disabledColor ? disabledColor : colors.placeholder} keyboardType={autoCorrect ? keyboardType : 'visible-password'} secureTextEntry={hideText} onChangeText={text => { onValueChange(text); }} paddingVertical={0} placeholder={placeholder} placeholderTextColor={colors.card} value={value} fontSize={fontSize ? fontSize : 16} style={{, height: 43, flex: 1}} trailingIcon={() => secureTextEntry ? ( <IconButton onPress={() => setHideText(!hideText)} icon={hideText ? 'eye-off' : 'eye'} color={colors.placeholder} /> ) : null } autoCorrect={autoCorrect} scrollEnabled={true} /> {renderTrailingIcon ? renderTrailingIcon : null} </View> );
Here is my code. While I'm nesting this inside of scrollview on dragging by having pointer on this view the scroll is not working. Thanks in advance.
Please format code
I'll be glad to know if there are any workarounds on it.