react-native-input-outline copied to clipboard
Allow selectionColor changing
The TextInput is defined this way:
The selectionColor from the props are replaced by the errorColor : activeColor.
In my case, where the app color is yellow/orange, the selectionColor is too strong, where the border color is ok
I have commented for now the lib selectionColor, so I can change it by myself. My ideia is to have
selectionColor={selectionColor ? (typeof selectionColor === string ? selectionColor : selectionColor(errorState()) : (errorState() ? errorColor : activeColor)}
and the selectionColor would be just a string or (errorState: boolean) => string, a function where the dev can set the color of the selection if there is an error or not.
If you wish, I can implement it.
If you wish, I can implement it.
@SrBrahma PR's are always welcome!
Hi, @swushi!
Now my todo-queue is quite long, so I can't make a proper PR for it now. I don't remember exactly all the changes I made in your lib for my personal uses and tastes back then, but here is my changed code, if you or someone else has interest:
(Note that as I was adapting it for my future personal components lib, there were some personal code styles changes)
import React, {
forwardRef, useCallback, useEffect, useImperativeHandle,
useMemo, useRef, useState,
} from 'react';
import {
LogBox, StyleSheet, Text, TextInput, TextInputProps,
TextStyle, TouchableWithoutFeedback, View,
} from 'react-native';
import Animated, {
Extrapolate, interpolate, interpolateColor,
useAnimatedStyle, useSharedValue, withTiming,
} from 'react-native-reanimated';
// color issue
LogBox.ignoreLogs(['You are setting the style `{ color: ... }` as a prop.']);
export interface InputOutlineMethods {
/** Requests focus for the given input or view. The exact behavior triggered will depend on the platform and type of view. */
focus: () => void;
/** Removes focus from an input or view. This is the opposite of focus() */
blur: () => void;
/** Returns current focus of input. */
isFocused: boolean;
/** Removes all text from the TextInput. */
clear: () => void;
export interface InputOutlineProps extends TextInputProps {
inputStyle?: TextStyle;
leftText?: string;
/** Placeholder for the textinput.
* @default Placeholder */
placeholder?: string;
/** Font size for TextInput.
* @default 14 */
fontSize?: number;
/** Color of TextInput font.
* @default 'black' */
fontColor?: string;
/** Font family for all fonts.
* @default undefined */
fontFamily?: string;
/** Vertical padding for TextInput Container. Used to calculate animations.
* @default 12 */
paddingVertical?: number;
/** Vertical padding for TextInput Container.
* @default 16 */
paddingHorizontal?: number;
/** Color when focused.
* @default 'blue' */
activeColor?: string;
/** Color when blurred (not focused).
* @default 'grey' */
inactiveColor?: string;
/** Background color of the InputOutline.
* @default 'white' */
backgroundColor?: string;
/** Error message is displayed. If anything is provided to error besides null or undefined, then the component is
* within an error state, thus displaying the error message provided here and errorColor.
* @default undefined */
error?: string;
/** Color that is displayed when in error state. Error state is anything that is not null or undefined.
* @default 'red' */
errorColor?: string;
/** Trailing Icon for the TextInput.
* @default undefined */
trailingIcon?: React.FC;
/** Border radius applied to container.
* @default 5 */
roundness?: number;
/** Will show a character count helper text and limit the characters being entered.
* @default undefined */
characterCount?: number;
characterCountFontSize?: number;
characterCountFontFamily?: string;
characterCountColor?: string;
/** Helper text that can be displayed to assist users with Inputs. `error` prop will override this.
* @default undefined */
assistiveText?: string;
/** Font size of assistive text.
* @default 10 */
assistiveTextFontSize?: number;
/** Color of assistive text.
* @default inactiveColor */
assistiveTextColor?: string;
/** Font family of assistive text.
* @default undefined */
assistiveFontFamily?: string;
/** Font size of error text.
* @default 10 */
errorFontSize?: number;
/** Font family of error text.
* @default undefined */
errorFontFamily?: string;
type InputOutline = InputOutlineMethods;
export const InputOutline = forwardRef<InputOutline, InputOutlineProps>((props, ref) => {
// establish provided props
const {
// theme colors
inactiveColor = 'grey',
activeColor = 'blue',
errorColor = 'red',
backgroundColor = 'white',
// fonts
fontSize = 14,
fontColor = 'black',
errorFontSize = 10,
assistiveTextFontSize = 10,
assistiveTextColor = inactiveColor,
characterCountColor = inactiveColor,
characterCountFontSize = 10,
// styling
paddingHorizontal = 16,
paddingVertical = 12,
roundness = 5,
// features
placeholder = 'Placeholder',
// others
value: _providedValue = '',
} = props;
// value of input
const [value, setValue] = useState(_providedValue);
// animation vars
const inputRef = useRef<TextInput>(null);
const placeholderMap = useSharedValue(_providedValue ? 1 : 0);
const placeholderSize = useSharedValue(0);
const colorMap = useSharedValue(0);
// helper functinos
const focus = () => inputRef.current?.focus();
const blur = () => inputRef.current?.blur();
const isFocused = () => Boolean(inputRef.current?.isFocused());
const clear = () => {
const errorState = useCallback(
() => error !== null && error !== undefined,
const handleFocus = () => {
placeholderMap.value = withTiming(1); // focused
if (!errorState()) colorMap.value = withTiming(1); // active
const handleBlur = () => {
onBlur?.(null as any);
if (!value) placeholderMap.value = withTiming(0); // blur
if (!errorState()) colorMap.value = withTiming(0); // inactive
const handleChangeText = (text: string) => {
onChangeText && onChangeText(text);
const handlePlaceholderLayout = useCallback(
({ nativeEvent }) => {
const { width } = nativeEvent.layout;
placeholderSize.value = width;
const renderTrailingIcon = useCallback(() => {
if (trailingIcon) return trailingIcon({});
return null;
}, [trailingIcon]);
// handle value update
useEffect(() => {
if (_providedValue.length) placeholderMap.value = withTiming(1); // focused;
}, [_providedValue, placeholderMap]);
// error handling
useEffect(() => {
if (errorState()) {
colorMap.value = 2; // error -- no animation here, snap to color immediately
} else {
colorMap.value = isFocused() ? 1 : 0; // to active or inactive color if focused
}, [error, colorMap, errorState]);
const animatedPlaceholderStyles = useAnimatedStyle(() => ({
transform: [
translateY: interpolate(placeholderMap.value,
[0, 1],
[0, -(paddingVertical + fontSize * 0.7)],
{ scale: interpolate(placeholderMap.value, [0, 1], [1, 0.7]) },
translateX: interpolate(
[0, 1],
[0, -placeholderSize.value * 0.2],
const animatedPlaceholderTextStyles = useAnimatedStyle(() => ({
color: interpolateColor(
[0, 1, 2],
[inactiveColor, activeColor, errorColor],
const animatedPlaceholderSpacerStyles = useAnimatedStyle(() => ({
width: interpolate(
[0, 1],
[0, placeholderSize.value * 0.7 + 7],
const animatedContainerStyle = useAnimatedStyle(() => ({
borderColor: placeholderSize.value > 0
? interpolateColor(
[0, 1, 2],
[inactiveColor, activeColor, errorColor],
: inactiveColor,
useImperativeHandle(ref, () => ({
focus: handleFocus,
blur: handleBlur,
isFocused: isFocused(),
clear: clear,
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
container: {
borderWidth: 1,
borderRadius: roundness,
alignSelf: 'stretch',
flexDirection: 'row',
inputContainer: {
flex: 1,
flexDirection: 'row',
justifyContent: 'space-between',
alignItems: 'center',
input: {
textAlignVertical: ((inputProps?.numberOfLines ?? 1) > 1) ? 'top' : 'center',
textAlign: leftText ? 'right' : 'left',
flex: 1,
color: fontColor,
placeholder: {
position: 'absolute',
top: paddingVertical,
left: paddingHorizontal,
placeholderText: {
placeholderSpacer: {
position: 'absolute',
top: -1,
left: paddingHorizontal - 3,
height: 2,
errorText: {
position: 'absolute',
color: errorColor,
fontSize: errorFontSize,
fontFamily: errorFontFamily,
bottom: -errorFontSize - 7,
left: paddingHorizontal,
trailingIcon: {
position: 'absolute',
right: paddingHorizontal,
alignSelf: 'center',
counterText: {
position: 'absolute',
color: errorState() ? errorColor : characterCountColor,
fontSize: characterCountFontSize,
bottom: -characterCountFontSize - 7,
right: paddingHorizontal,
fontFamily: characterCountFontFamily,
assistiveText: {
position: 'absolute',
color: assistiveTextColor,
fontSize: assistiveTextFontSize,
bottom: -assistiveTextFontSize - 7,
left: paddingHorizontal,
fontFamily: assistiveFontFamily,
leftText: {
textAlignVertical: 'center',
fontSize: 14,
marginLeft: -4,
paddingRight: 4,
height: '100%',
color: '#555',
fontWeight: 'bold',
const placeholderStyle = useMemo(() => {
return [styles.placeholder, animatedPlaceholderStyles];
}, [styles.placeholder, animatedPlaceholderStyles]);
return (
<Animated.View style={[styles.container, animatedContainerStyle, style]}>
<TouchableWithoutFeedback onPress={handleFocus}>
<View style={styles.inputContainer}>
{!!leftText && <Text style={styles.leftText}>{'R$'}</Text>}
style={[styles.input, inputStyle]}
pointerEvents={isFocused() ? 'auto' : 'none'}
maxLength={characterCount ? characterCount : undefined}
// selectionColor={errorState() ? errorColor : activeColor}
{trailingIcon && (
<View style={styles.trailingIcon}>{renderTrailingIcon()}</View>
style={[styles.placeholderSpacer, animatedPlaceholderSpacerStyles]}
<Animated.Text style={[styles.placeholderText, animatedPlaceholderTextStyles]}>
{characterCount && (<Text style={styles.counterText}>{`${value.length} / ${characterCount}`}</Text>)}
? (<Text style={[styles.errorText]}>{error}</Text>)
: (assistiveText && (<Text style={[styles.assistiveText]}>{assistiveText}</Text>))
It still has a bug on the first render with the placeholder animation, if I am not mistaken. I don't have experience with RN animation so I couldn't figure out on how to fix it.
And I have a wrapper component for it using react-hook-form:
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/ban-types */
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { Control, useController } from 'react-hook-form';
import { TextInputProps as RNTextInputProps, ViewStyle } from 'react-native';
import { C } from '../../main/constsUi';
import { stringToNumber, valueToPriceString } from '../../utils/utils';
import { InputOutline, InputOutlineProps } from './InputOutline';
export type TextInputCoreProps = RNTextInputProps & {
containerStyle?: ViewStyle;
/** If should add marginTop.
* `true` will use a default value, but you may provide a number.
* @default false */
marginTop?: number | boolean;
icon?: JSX.Element;
// name: Names;
export type TextInputProps<T extends Control<any, object>> = InputOutlineProps & Omit<{
/** If will add a basic margin bottom.
* @default true */
marginBottom?: boolean;
control: T;
/** How you will get it with react-hook-form */
id: keyof T['_defaultValues'];
/** User-readable name of this input. */
title: string;
optional?: boolean;
required?: boolean;
preset?: 'email' | 'price';
maxLength?: number;
pretitle?: string;
min?: number;
/** This won't overwrite useForm defaultValues. */
}, 'defaultValue'>;
const validNumeric = (v: string | number) => {
if (typeof v === 'string')
v = Number(v.replace(',', '.'));
return !isNaN(v);
export function TextInput<T extends Control<any, object>>({
// marginTop: marginTopArg = true,
// icon,
defaultValue = '',
/** @default true */
optional: optionalProp = true,
/** @default false */
required: requiredProp = false,
marginBottom = true,
}: TextInputProps<T>): JSX.Element {
const required = requiredProp || !optionalProp;
const isPrice = preset === 'price';
const isNumeric = !!(() => {
if (isPrice) return true;
const mustBeNotNegative = !!(() => {
if (isPrice) return true;
const maxDecimalPlaces: number | undefined = (() => {
if (isPrice) return 2;
const { field, fieldState } = useController({
name: (id ?? 'notDefined') as any,
control: control as any,
rules: {
required: { value: required, message: 'Campo requerido' },
validate: {
...isNumeric && { isNumeric: (v: number) => !isNaN(v) || 'Número inválido' },
...mustBeNotNegative && { mustBeNotNegative: (v: number) => v >= 0 || 'Deve ser positivo' },
...maxDecimalPlaces !== undefined && {
maxDecimalPlaces: (v: number) =>
((v.toString().split('.')[1] ?? []).length <= 2) || `>= ${maxDecimalPlaces} casas decimais`,
...min !== undefined && { minValue: (v: number) => v >= min || `Mínimo é ${min}` },
const getPrettyValue = (v: string | number): string => {
if (isPrice && validNumeric(v))
v = valueToPriceString(v, { preset: 'BRL', includeSymbol: false });
return String(v);
const [displayValue, setDisplayValue] = useState<string>(getPrettyValue(field.value));
const onBlur = (): void => {
if (isNumeric && displayValue === '') {
return setDisplayValue(getPrettyValue(0));
if (!fieldState.error)
return setDisplayValue(getPrettyValue(field.value));
const onChange = (v: string) => {
let logicalValue: string | number = v;
if (isNumeric) {
logicalValue = stringToNumber(v);
field.onChange(logicalValue as number);
return <InputOutline
error={fieldState.error ? String(fieldState.error.message) : undefined}
value={displayValue} // ensure string to avoid errors.
style={[{ textAlignVertical: 'top' }, marginBottom && { marginBottom: 32 }, style]}
{...((): InputOutlineProps | undefined => {
switch (preset) {
case 'email': return {
textContentType: 'emailAddress',
autoCompleteType: 'email',
keyboardType: 'email-address',
autoCapitalize: 'none',
case 'price': return {
keyboardType: 'numeric',
leftText: leftText ?? 'R$', // TODO add i18n support
The latter is quite messy and specific for portuguese language, but maybe you know how it's when developing an entire app alone hehe
My intention with both is to make a all-around text input component for not only this app but also my next ones. react-hook-form fits very nicely with your lib.