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Could you provide a websocket pub/sub example?
I'm converting a tech demonstration from react/ratchet to swoole. I've only been working with Swoole for a total of 15 minutes now and I don't know where to start.
For example this is a react/ratchet websocket server that I'm adapting.
$opts = $params['opts'];
$config = $this->config;
$wsPort = (isset($opts['wsport'])) ? $opts['wsport'] : $config->app->wsPort;
$zmqPort = (isset($opts['zmqport'])) ? $opts['zmqport'] : $config->app->zmqPort;
$loop = EventLoopFactory::create();
$broadcaster = new Broadcaster();
// Listen for the web server to make a ZeroMQ push after an ajax request
$context = new ReactZMQContext($loop);
$sub = $context->getSocket(ZMQ::SOCKET_SUB);
$sub->on('message', [$broadcaster, 'onPost']);
$wsServer = new WsServer($broadcaster);
$httpServer = new HttpServer($wsServer);
$socket = new Reactor("$wsPort", $loop);
$ioServer = new IoServer($httpServer, $socket, $loop);
I think that something a simplified version of this would be a good addition to your examples.
The idea is to take ajax requests from anywhere (or pushed from anywhere) and send a message via the websocket. I like having tech like this worked out so that I'm ready to go with it when something comes up.
So msg/event comes in over AJAX or ZMQ and you want to push these out over websocket? Is that what you're looking for?
I've just found this thread and i'm attempting to do the same thing here. As in i would like to add a ZMQ pull socket to the swoole websocket server. The idea here is that independent workers would signal the swoole server via zmq which in turn would send a response to the frontend via websocket.
My problem is that i do not know how to add the zmq listener. As a standalone service it would be in a while loop, but swoole already have an event loop running.