ext-postgresql icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
ext-postgresql copied to clipboard

cannot setting timeout

Open consatan opened this issue 3 years ago • 0 comments

$pg = new \Swoole\Coroutine\PostgreSQL();
$dsn = 'host=localhost;dbname=test;user=user;password=pswd';

$res = $pg->query('select name from users where id=1');
$pg->fetchRow($res); // it's ok

$res = $pg->query('select name, pg_sleep(4) from users where id=1');
echo $pg->error; // ontimeout

$res = $pg->query('select name from users where id=1');
if ($res) {
} else {
    // goto here
    echo $pg->error; // ontimeout

if (!$pg->connect($dsn)) {
    echo $pg->error; // ontimeout

$pg = new \Swoole\Coroutine\PostgreSQL();
$res = $pg->query('select name from users where id=1');
$pg->fetchRow($res); // it's ok

at swoole_postgresql_coro.cc#353

object->timeout = SW_PGSQL_CONNECT_TIMEOUT;


no method set the timeout value now.

consatan avatar Mar 23 '21 12:03 consatan