@BenjaminDoran @cakirb Can you please provide more information on how you fixed the issue? I am having the same problem. Getting an error when trying to convert an integrated Seurat...
Thanks a lot @mortonjt for your prompt response. I am running TensorBoard in our University computing cluster and we don't have a browser installed there. Do I need to get...
Thanks again @mortonjt! When I try that I get the following error: ➜ Songbird_example ssh -f -N -L 6006:localhost:6006 jnmpt6@lewis4-r630-hpc4rc-node361 zsh: no such file or directory: http://lewis4-r630-hpc4rc-node361:6006/> I think it...
Good deal, will do! Thanks again both of you for your help. Best, Joao