jQuery-contextMenu icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
jQuery-contextMenu copied to clipboard

How to change the label at runtime?

Open crystalfp opened this issue 3 years ago • 1 comments

I have defined menu items with a function for disabled and another for icon changing the menu entry depending on the program status. Now I want to change the menu entry label too, but seems there is no mechanism in place to to this. Is it a missing functionality or there is another method to change the label? I'm using the 3.x branch. Thanks! mario

crystalfp avatar Dec 20 '20 14:12 crystalfp

Ugly workaround. Create entries with the different labels and use visible attribute to show the correct one:

				archive: {
					name: "Archive",
					callback: archiveProject,
					icon: "fa-archive",
					visible: () => status !== "ARCHIVED"
				dearchive: {
					name: "De-Archive",
					callback: deArchiveProject,
					icon: "fa-archive",
					visible: () => status === "ARCHIVED"

Using branch 3.x. Hoping in a better solution...

crystalfp avatar Dec 22 '20 03:12 crystalfp