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remove deprecated function tbl_df

Open wmorgan485 opened this issue 5 years ago • 2 comments

Replace the deprecated function dplyr::tbl_df() with tibble::as_tibble() and make corresponding changes to the text

wmorgan485 avatar Dec 26 '19 19:12 wmorgan485

This is ~1.5yr later, doing the "Getting and Cleaning Data" assignment and got the warning "tbl_df() was deprecated in dplyr 1.0.0. Please use tibble::as_tibble() instead." ... a few lines later we are asked to use tbl_df(). Will this be fixed soon? Looks like it still works, still it would make sense to get us on board with the current way of using dplyr.

acromarcopolo avatar May 02 '21 09:05 acromarcopolo

As problem here.

 Please choose a course, or type 0 to exit swirl.

1: Getting and Cleaning Data
2: Take me to the swirl course repository!

Selection: 1

| Please choose a lesson, or type 0 to return to course menu.

1: Manipulating Data with dplyr
2: Grouping and Chaining with dplyr
3: Tidying Data with tidyr
4: Dates and Times with lubridate

Selection: 2

| Attempting to load lesson dependencies...

| Package ‘dplyr’ loaded correctly!

  |                                                                          |   0%

| Warning: This lesson makes use of the View() function. View() may not work
| properly in every programming environment. We highly recommend the use of RStudio
| for this lesson.


  |=                                                                         |   2%
| In the last lesson, you learned about the five main data manipulation 'verbs' in
| dplyr: select(), filter(), arrange(), mutate(), and summarize(). The last of
| these, summarize(), is most powerful when applied to grouped data.


  |===                                                                       |   4%
| The main idea behind grouping data is that you want to break up your dataset into
| groups of rows based on the values of one or more variables. The group_by()
| function is reponsible for doing this.


  |====                                                                      |   6%
| We'll continue where we left off with RStudio's CRAN download log from July 8,
| 2014, which contains information on roughly 225,000 R package downloads
| (http://cran-logs.rstudio.com/).


  |======                                                                    |   8%
| As with the last lesson, the dplyr package was automatically installed (if
| necessary) and loaded at the beginning of this lesson. Normally, this is
| something you would have to do on your own. Just to build the habit, type
| library(dplyr) now to load the package again.

warning messages from top-level task callback 'mini'
Warning message:
`tbl_df()` was deprecated in dplyr 1.0.0.
Please use `tibble::as_tibble()` instead.
This warning is displayed once every 8 hours.
Call `lifecycle::last_lifecycle_warnings()` to see where this warning was generated. 

Follow the on-screen instructions to trace error

> lifecycle::last_lifecycle_warnings()
message: `tbl_df()` was deprecated in dplyr 1.0.0.
Please use `tibble::as_tibble()` instead.
Error in `arg_match0()`:
! `arg` must be a string or have the same length as `values`.
Run `rlang::last_error()` to see where the error occurred.
> rlang::last_error()
Error in `arg_match0()`:
! `arg` must be a string or have the same length as `values`.
  1. base (local) `<fn>`(x)
  2. lifecycle:::print.lifecycle_warning_deprecated(x)
  3. lifecycle:::print_trace(x, ..., simplify = simplify)
 12. rlang:::format.rlang_trace(trace, ..., simplify = simplify)
 13. rlang:::arg_match_simplify(simplify)
 14. rlang::arg_match0(simplify, c("none", "branch"), error_call = call)
Run `rlang::last_trace()` to see the full context.

| That's not exactly what I'm looking for. Try again. Or, type info() for more
| options.

| Use library(dplyr) to load the dplyr package.

> rlang::last_trace()
Error in `arg_match0()`:
! `arg` must be a string or have the same length as `values`.
  1. ├─base (local) `<fn>`(x)
  2. ├─lifecycle:::print.lifecycle_warning_deprecated(x)
  3. │ └─lifecycle:::print_trace(x, ..., simplify = simplify)
  4. │   ├─lifecycle:::cat_line(red(format(trace, ..., simplify = simplify)))
  5. │   │ ├─base::cat(paste0(..., "\n", collapse = ""))
  6. │   │ └─base::paste0(..., "\n", collapse = "")
  7. │   ├─lifecycle:::red(format(trace, ..., simplify = simplify))
  8. │   │ └─crayon::red(x)
  9. │   │   └─crayon:::mypaste(...)
 10. │   │     └─base::lapply(list(...), as.character)
 11. │   ├─base::format(trace, ..., simplify = simplify)
 12. │   └─rlang:::format.rlang_trace(trace, ..., simplify = simplify)
 13. │     └─rlang:::arg_match_simplify(simplify)
 14. │       └─rlang::arg_match0(simplify, c("none", "branch"), error_call = call)
 15. └─rlang::abort(message = message, call = call)

| One more time. You can do it! Or, type info() for more options.

| Use library(dplyr) to load the dplyr package.


Scoodood avatar Jul 05 '22 16:07 Scoodood