swirl_courses copied to clipboard
Error in yaml.load: Invalid tag for scalar: int#base60
In the Getting and Cleaning Data class on lesson 'Manipulating Data with dplyr, after loading the 'dplyr' package successfullly, there was a problem as shown in the screenshot below. i installed the course again but still couldn't deal with it. who can help me, thanks very much! screenshot
I also encountered the same error. Checked comments of @viking at https://github.com/viking/r-yaml/issues/53 Later just edited the YAML file by adding quotation marks at respective places to make it acceptable. Please unzip the attached file and replace it at: ~Documents\R\R-3.4.4\library\swirl\Courses\Getting_and_Cleaning_Data\Manipulating_Data_with_dplyr lesson.zip
got it ! thanks very much ^_^
Hi I am completely new to R. Can you tell me what you mean by "adding quotation marks at respective places"? and when I downloaded "Getting and Cleaning Data" there is no folder where I can replace the file. How do I replace it?
Thanks @atalv . Its working now.
@Jaebane if you are on mac. Open finder and press command+shift+g . Go to folder pop-up will open. you need to paste folder path which you can find in error message in R. For eg:
This is what i am getting . Your version maybe different so just check that path in error message.
After you press Go button. it wil take you that directory and you will find lesson.yaml file. You just need to replace with attached file as provided by atalv.
This worked for me on a mac:
- download the lesson.zip from atalv
- unzip it to see a file called lesson.yaml
- In Finder: Go-->Go To Folder...
- then entered the following into the "Go to the folder dialog": ~/.R/packages/swirl/Courses/Getting_and_Cleaning_Data/Manipulating_Data_with_dplyr/
- the folder that opens has a lesson.yaml, replace it with the one from atalv
By the way, this should be fixed in the latest version of the yaml package (2.1.19). It was released today so it may be a couple of days before mac and windows binaries are available from CRAN.
I also encountered the same error. Checked comments of @viking at vubiostat/r-yaml#53 Later just edited the YAML file by adding quotation marks at respective places to make it acceptable. Please unzip the attached file and replace it at: ~Documents\R\R-3.4.4\library\swirl\Courses\Getting_and_Cleaning_Data\Manipulating_Data_with_dplyr lesson.zip
I replaced it with the file from archive and it didnt help((