As a side note, I believe there's a method on the client called like `AddChatCommandIdentifier` that you can use, but there's currently no `Initialize` override that allows passing a list...
@RRickkert how did you want to attack this? In the Start() method? I know the follower code extends the base monitor class, so that might be a bit tricky.
This is a good suggestion, just seems like it'll take a ton of time, something I don't have much of at the moment :(
_From @LuckyNoS7evin on April 12, 2018 10:17_ @niklr Thanks for this, we are still working on the system and after some big changes we have made recently we are looking...
_From @Syzuna on April 12, 2018 10:52_ @niklr Thanks for your suggestion again. Yes CancellationToken Support is sth we should/want to implement in the near future for sure. For your...
So using the obsolete (v1) ListenToBits, I'm getting: ``` Connecting! Connected! [LOG] {"type":"RESPONSE","error":"","nonce":"D5Wg1E Y4"} [ListenResponse] #44338537: True [LOG] {"type":"MESSAGE","data":{"topic":"channel-bi ts-events-v1.44338537","message":"{\"data\":{\"user _name\":\"swiftyspiffy\",\"channel_name\":\"burkebl ack\",\"user_id\":\"40876073\",\"channel_id\":\"443 38537\",\"time\":\"2021-06-19T00:40:35.670813582Z\" ,\"chat_message\":\"Cheer1 this is a test\",\"bits_ used\":1,\"total_bits_used\":47480,\"context\":\"ch eer\",\"badge_entitlement\":null,\"badge_tier_entit...
Using channel points: ``` Connecting! ASSEMBLY: TwitchLib.PubSub, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Connected! [LOG] {"type":"RESPONSE","error":"","nonce":"vdW0bdtU"} [ListenResponse] #44338537: True, channel-points-channel-v1.44338537 [LOG] {"type":"MESSAGE","data":{"topic":"channel-points-channel-v1.44338537","message":"{\"type \":\"reward-redeemed\",\"data\":{\"timestamp\":\"2021-06-19T19:18:18.177773147Z\",\"redemption\ ":{\"id\":\"79a64d91-ecb3-4f20-89ec-a3f204d9e0f5\",\"user\":{\"id\":\"40876073\",\"login\":\"sw iftyspiffy\",\"display_name\":\"swiftyspiffy\"},\"channel_id\":\"44338537\",\"redeemed_at\":\"2 021-06-19T19:18:18.177773147Z\",\"reward\":{\"id\":\"dad42408-6ccf-48c9-ae1d-e47063cad4ab\",\"c hannel_id\":\"44338537\",\"title\":\"Suggest a Poll\",\"prompt\":\"Suggest a poll to be...
I'm not able to recreate :(
Can you share the relevant code (without access tokens ofc). I can try recreating what you're getting too.