aws-lambda-swift-sprinter copied to clipboard
Runtime exited without providing a reason
Describe the bug While sample code of syncLambda runs properly. Sample code for asyncLambda: AsyncCodableLambda throws following error
aws lambda invoke --function-name HelloWorld --profile default --payload "fileb://Examples/HelloWorld/event.json" ./.build/tmp/outfile && echo "\nResult:" && cat ./.build/tmp/outfile && echo "\n" { "FunctionError": "Unhandled", "ExecutedVersion": "$LATEST", "StatusCode": 200 }
Result: {"errorType":"Runtime.ExitError","errorMessage":"RequestId: 3278a4df-68cb-45d0-afe9-8870a675dae5 Error: Runtime exited without providing a reason"}
To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: Clone this repository and change following line
// sprinter.register(handler: "helloWorld", lambda: syncLambda)
// sprinter.register(handler: "helloWorld2", lambda: syncDictLambda)
// sprinter.register(handler: "helloWorld3", lambda: asyncLambda)
sprinter.register(handler: "helloWorld4", lambda: asyncDictLambda)
Inside Example/HelloWorld/Sources/HelloWorld/Main.swift
Follow all the steps to make docker build, layer, lambda from terminal Run make invoke_lambda Expected behavior Sample code given in asyncDictLambda: AsyncDictionaryLambda or asyncLambda: AsyncCodableLambda should run without any error
Desktop (please complete the following information):
- OS: MacOS 10.14.4
To troubleshoot your code I suggest to use the function log() as implemented in HelloWorld.
Unhandled - The runtime didn't handle the error. For example, the function ran out of memory or timed out.
For AsyncCodableLambda
you need to call the completion handler. Can you provide the code?
Are you sure the db is reachable from the AWS Lambda? You need to be sure that the Postgres library you are using is based on SwiftNIO 2.0.
I am using HellowWorld Example's sample code only for AsyncLambda ... Just one line of change in main.swift
sprinter.register(handler: "helloWorld4", lambda: asyncDictLambda)
uncommented above line and commented syncLambda line
And yes it calls completionHandler inside it.
This is the code
let asyncLambda: AsyncCodableLambda<Event, Response> = { event, _, completion in
let message = "Hello World! Hello \(!"
return completion(.success(Response(message: message)))
let asyncDictLambda: AsyncDictionaryLambda = { dictionary, _, completion in
var result = [String: Any]()
if let name = dictionary["name"] as? String {
let message = "Hello World! Hello \(name)!"
result["message"] = message
} else {
returns exact same error message
just to clarify any confusion. It has nothing to do with Database connection or anything. It's the default code that is given in the main.swift file for asyncLambda i am referring to.
@mihirpmehta Have you registered the Handler HelloWorld.helloWorld4
If not you can just reuse the one you have registered:
sprinter.register(handler: "helloWorld", lambda: asyncDictLambda)
Oh. I miss it. I didn't change it in makefile. Thanks a ton