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SimCom X Pilot Client for SWIFT
SimCom X Pilot Client for SWIFT
Good Evening
I would like Swift Dev be able to implement this fantastic tool that not only works for VATSIM comms frequencies but also for military frequencies that i miss so much, more precisely, the UHF frequencies (sample picture bellow) . As MAC user, i don't have this and can't install in anyway and as a loyal swift user, would like to have it, it would be a game changer for everyone.
More information here [https://dotdash.space/simcom-x-pilot-client/]
- Voice quality based on distance.
- Supports the use of both COM1 and COM2.
- No voice server needed, but one can be setup for private use.
- The option to speak to pilots and ATC you wouldnt normally.
- Run alongside your existing voice application and continue the chat with friends, whilst also contacting ATC.
- Use with FS9, FSX Boxed, FSX Steam, all versions of P3D and XPlane.
- Use with various different multiplayer networks or none of them.
- Autoswitch channels by tuning the radio stack in the simulator or input a frequency manually.
- AutoSwitch frequencies using the Flight Simulator Radio Stack
- ATC Mode requires no simulator, if you don’t need to run one. This feature will be replaced by a specific ATC client shortly.
- Active ATC on the SCX network show when connected. Pilots can then tune to the frequency displayed.
Here's a sample of the COMCARD in France, we need to be able to tune the UHF frequencies