FlyingFox copied to clipboard
Lightweight, HTTP server written in Swift using async/await.
First of all thanks for developing this amazing package! I wanted to ask if it is possible to use http 2 with this package as I see the server is...
When it comes to cross-origin requests, I've noticed that the requests don't even reach the server, so I can't set the necessary headers for cross-origin as I usually would. How...
We currently only support for ``` public mutating func appendRoute(_ route: HTTPRoute, to handler: HTTPHandler) { handlers.append((route, handler)) } ``` ``` public mutating func appendRoute(_ route: HTTPRoute, handler: @Sendable @escaping...
File Uploads
Is FlyingFox able to handle large file uploads?
When multiple endpoints are defined, one ends up with: ```swift await server.appendRoute(HTTPRoute(.GET, "/cat"), to: MyCatGetHandler()) await server.appendRoute(HTTPRoute(.GET, "/dog"), to: MyDogGetHandler()) await server.appendRoute(HTTPRoute(.GET, "/fish"), to: MyFishGetHandler()) ``` and then implementations contains...
JSON responses are common for a web server. With this extension (serializing dates as millis by default to ease JS clients): ```swift extension HTTPResponse { static let jsonTimestampMillisEncoder: JSONEncoder =...
I was migrating an HTTP Server to FlyingFox and I encountered a client side error "Socket write failed". I spent some time to discover this line: The client app...
First of all, thanks for this really good library! With this setup: ```swift let server = HTTPServer(port: 8080) let root = URL(fileURLWithPath: "/Users/myUser/myStaticDir") let route = HTTPRoute(method: .GET, path: "/static/*")...
I noticed the Package.swift does not support watchOS, but the code seems to build without a problem on watchOS, this commit adds it and the result worked fine at least...