LibSharedMemoryObject icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
LibSharedMemoryObject copied to clipboard

LibSharedMemoryObject provides a simple API to load from memory shared library on both Linux (.so) and Windows (.dll)


LibSharedMemoryObject provides a simple API to load from memory shared library on both Linux (.so) and Windows (.dll).


Example of use of API without error handling for sake of simplicity.

smo_handle *handle;
typedef void(*hello_world_func)(void);
hello_world_func hello_world;

/* Where buffer and size are the content of your memory library */
handle = smo_open("your_id", buffer, size);

 * hello world is now a ptr of the function hello_world()
 * located in the memory library
hello_world = smo_get_function(handle, "hello_world");

/* Print the hello world message from library */


And that's all you need !



  • The Windows implementation is from MemoryModule, a library to load DLL from memory.
  • The Linux implementation opened a file descriptor in rams with shm_open() or the syscall __NR_memfd_create based on you Kernel version.


Tested on:

  • Windows x86
  • Windows 64
  • Ubuntu 14.04
  • Ubuntu 16.04