Swaroop Raghupathy
Swaroop Raghupathy
- [ ] Extend all request body with 'opentofu_version' field. - [ ] The version can be a specific version, greater than or equal to, lesser than equal to. Based...
Similar to #1939 , the same logic must be implemented in local deployer tools as well. - [ ] all terraform commands must be extended with the version name. example...
- [ ] Create a new API called `recreateService`. (update - should be a PUT request with serviceId in query). No request body) - [ ] The service must call...
- [ ] use springwolf to generate [asyncapi ](https://www.asyncapi.com/en) documentation - [ ] Add documentation on how to access the documentation. - [ ] Test if a java client can...
- [ ] under `api` controller add a new package - queue - [ ] Add AMQP producer and consumer classes - [ ] Both HTTP controllers and queues must...