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Use v1.8.2 to run swag fmt command, deleted the preset space between the '//' and '@' symbols

Open iTanken opened this issue 2 years ago • 1 comments

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

Before v1.8.2, using swag fmt command will not delete the preset space between // and @, and the format in GoLand suspension prompt is normal.

After using v1.8.2, delete the extra space between // and @, resulting in a line in the GoLand suspension prompt:

  • v1.8.1
// StdDatasourceController 标准数据源配置表 [std_datasource] 请求控制器
//    @Author iTanken
//    @Version 2022-03-21
type StdDatasourceController struct {
	Service *service.StdDatasourceService

// Create godoc
//    @tags         标准数据源配置
//    @Summary      添加标准数据源配置信息
//    @Description  根据数据库类型、连接地址、用户名和密码等信息添加数据源配置信息。
//    @Accept       json
//    @Produce      json
//    @Param        data  body      model.StdDatasource  true  "标准数据源配置信息"
//    @Success      200   {object}  global.ResFull       "添加成功信息,状态码为 200"
//    @Failure      400   {object}  tool.MsgStatus       "出错失败信息,状态码为 1"
//    @Failure      401   {object}  global.ResBase       "登录验证失败,状态码为 505"
//    @Security     ApiKeyAuth
//    @Router       /granada/api/v1/std/datasource [post]
func (r StdDatasourceController) Create(ctx *gin.Context) {


  • v1.8.2
// StdDatasourceController 标准数据源配置表 [std_datasource] 请求控制器
// @Author   iTanken
// @Version  2022-03-21
type StdDatasourceController struct {
	Service *service.StdDatasourceService

// Create godoc
// @tags         标准数据源配置
// @Summary      添加标准数据源配置信息
// @Description  根据数据库类型、连接地址、用户名和密码等信息添加数据源配置信息。
// @Accept       json
// @Produce      json
// @Param        data  body      model.StdDatasource  true  "标准数据源配置信息"
// @Success      200   {object}  global.ResFull       "添加成功信息,状态码为 200"
// @Failure      400   {object}  tool.MsgStatus       "出错失败信息,状态码为 1"
// @Failure      401   {object}  global.ResBase       "登录验证失败,状态码为 505"
// @Security     ApiKeyAuth
// @Router       /granada/api/v1/std/datasource [post]
func (r StdDatasourceController) Create(ctx *gin.Context) {


Describe the solution you'd like Do not delete the preset space between the '//' and '@' symbols when running the swag fmt command.

Additional context

> swag fmt
2022/05/16 11:05:37 fmt: rename C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\main.go3146305481 main.go: The system cannot move the file to a different disk drive.

iTanken avatar May 16 '22 03:05 iTanken

  • Use v1.8.1 in VS Code:


  • Use v1.8.2 in VS Code:


iTanken avatar May 16 '22 06:05 iTanken

That issue seems to be resolved in the meantime.

Using swag v1.18.12, the formatter introduced an extra space/newline between the GoDoc and the swagger tags.

@iTanken could you verify please, and maybe close this issue, if no more relevant?

nitram509 avatar May 29 '23 09:05 nitram509

@nitram509 Thanks! It seems that the formatting in v1.8.12 has indeed resolved the issue. However, replacing some of the space characters with tabs may have caused some content to appear misaligned, but it shouldn't have a significant impact. Nonetheless, I'm glad that it's working well overall. Thank you once again!

iTanken avatar Jun 09 '23 01:06 iTanken