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Swagger Spec to Java POJOs

Results 231 swagger-parser issues
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Thrown java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError when reading spec, v2.1.1 When parsing a local spec file java throws an exception: Error ``` # Created at 2022-08-08T10:33:00.158 org.testng.TestNGException: Cannot instantiate class org.openapitools.codegen.kotlin.KotlinReservedWordsTest at org.testng.internal.objects.InstanceCreator.newInstance(InstanceCreator.java:41) at...

master branch v2.1.1 cannot parse the below spec: Can the project be updated so it can parse specs where the property names are the string null? That string is a...

io.swagger.parser.util.SwaggerDeserializer#SCHEMA_KEYS shoud contain value "externalDocs", because swagger 2 specification allows the use of "externalDocs" in schema objects https://swagger.io/specification/v2/#schemaObject This error is generated: ``` > There were issues with the specification....

Swagger-parser version: 2.1.1 **Example swagger spec:** The test case is quite large, so I put it in a [github gist](https://gist.github.com/ddemonaz89/30a8632094e0934c434ccffe7c6439f3). Don't be surprised by the names of the paths and...

in case an object property is defined as a $ref and has vendor extensions, the extensions are ignored during parsing. The same happens for arrays. ``` swagger: '2.0' info: description:...

Example with one schema property: ``` openapi: "3.0.0" info: title: API-Template description: | Single or multilined API description. Can be written on HTML or [CommonMark](http://commonmark.org/help/) version: v1 tags: - name:...

Referencing to the issue #1619 , where empty strings are allowed, if we check the following code in version **2.0.31**: ``` public Contact getContact(ObjectNode node, String location, ParseResult result) {...

Action to validate a definition using parser cli

## Problem When organizing path definitions in different files like the example below, the parameters will not be passed from the top-level `/ref/test/{id}/toplevelparam` definition to the `GET` operation. `api.yaml`: ```yaml...

note: This is caused by InlineModelResolver calling setExample in various places, independently of its value that might be null; this causes the null example to be serialized. Please update the...