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How to get the './data/original/shanghaitech/part_B_final/test_data/ground_truth_csv/'
This document './data/original/shanghaitech/part_B_final/test_data/ground_truth_csv/' is used in But the dataset I got doesn't contain this document. Can anyone tell me how can I get this document? Thanks
You need to run create_gt_test_set_shtech.m
You need to run create_gt_test_set_shtech.m
I did, but there's no such a document too. I got the ground_truth_csv document in part_A only, but no such a document in part_B
You need to run create_gt_test_set_shtech.m
I found the reason why I failed before. Thank you so much for your answer, thanks!
@Xuwanjun9 same problem here. Can you tell me the resolvance here. I am getting error like below - "error: load: unable to find file ../data/original/shanghaitech/part_A_final/test_data/ground_truth/GT_IMG_1.mat error: called from create_gt_test_set_shtech at line 24 column 5"
@Xuwanjun9 same problem here. Can you tell me the resolvance here. I am getting error like below - "error: load: unable to find file ../data/original/shanghaitech/part_A_final/test_data/ground_truth/GT_IMG_1.mat error: called from create_gt_test_set_shtech at line 24 column 5" you need run the matlab file first
The error is from matlab console only, When I ran the create_gt_test_set_shtech.m file.
As I remember there were underscores used in the MATLAB file refering to the dataset but the dataset itself uses hyphens. That's probably why the file can't be found
@Xuwanjun9 Sir ,I found ./data/original/shanghaitech/part_B_final/test_data/ground_truth_csv/ is not exists,I had run……m file ,Could you tell me the reason?
@Xuwanjun9 Sir ,I found ./data/original/shanghaitech/part_B_final/test_data/ground_truth_csv/ is not exists,I had run……m file ,Could you tell me the reason?
open the .m file, you'll see that there's a para indicate the dataset A or B only, change it and run again
@Xuwanjun9 Sir,Thanks for your reply,I have solve the question.But a new question is occur that I cann't understand the create_gt_train_set_shtech.m,I have scan the web without solve the question,can you help me
@Xuwanjun9 Sir,Thanks for your reply,I have solve the question.But a new question is occur that I cann't understand the create_gt_train_set_shtech.m,I have scan the web without solve the question,can you help me
What makes you confused? Have you open and read the .m file?
@Xuwanjun9 I have open the .m file ,and the code have no antotation,many of that I cann't understand,so I want a detail file but the brower haven't ,so your code hava antotation?
@Xuwanjun9 @koalaofpoint in the create_gt_test_set_shtech.m file, change the
and you will be able to generate the ground truth csv for part B. I struggled with the same problem until I looked at the code.
@Xuwanjun9 do you know how to get the GT_x.mat file for own dataset. the structure is so stange ,like ('image_info: ', array([[array([[(array([[222.5446098 , 472.86475499], [ 6.63269208, 709.19046582], [ 64.82506957, 694.96566243], ..., [714.76278388, 418.8815984 ], [519.37417249, 234.74573427], [523.46608059, 238.83764236]]), array([[707]], dtype=uint16))]], dtype=[('location', 'O'), ('number', 'O')])]], dtype=object))
is unlike python version,i am confused
@Xuwanjun9 do you know how to get the GT_x.mat file for own dataset. the structure is so stange ,like ('image_info: ', array([[array([[(array([[222.5446098 , 472.86475499], [ 6.63269208, 709.19046582], [ 64.82506957, 694.96566243], ..., [714.76278388, 418.8815984 ], [519.37417249, 234.74573427], [523.46608059, 238.83764236]]), array([[707]], dtype=uint16))]], dtype=[('location', 'O'), ('number', 'O')])]], dtype=object))
is unlike python version,i am confused
It's a matlab code, you have to run this code in matlab to get ground truth
@Xuwanjun9 do you know how to get the GT_x.mat file for own dataset. the structure is so stange ,like ('image_info: ', array([[array([[(array([[222.5446098 , 472.86475499], [ 6.63269208, 709.19046582], [ 64.82506957, 694.96566243], ..., [714.76278388, 418.8815984 ], [519.37417249, 234.74573427], [523.46608059, 238.83764236]]), array([[707]], dtype=uint16))]], dtype=[('location', 'O'), ('number', 'O')])]], dtype=object)) is unlike python version,i am confused
It's a matlab code, you have to run this code in matlab to get ground truth
ok ,I have solved it ,thank you