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CIDNN: Encoding Crowd Interaction with Deep Neural Network

Results 9 CIDNN issues
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![1]( I want to ask if this will affect the final result,How should I solve it? Thank you!

Hi! Sounds like shuffling between train/test split could cause lower prediction error. ` random_idx = random.sample(range(frame_num), frame_num)` `train_idx = random_idx[:int(frame_num * train_rate)]` `test_idx = random_idx[int(frame_num * train_rate):]` Is this setting...

大佬你好啊,可不可以再次分享一下CUHK Crowd的数据集的第一个链接呢?显示失效了。谢谢大佬

I was running the network with all defeault settings on the GC dataset till convergence (up to about 1000 epochs) several times with different random seeds and never got the...

Thanks a lot for sharing the dataset of CUHK crowd dataset, however, the Baiduyun link of the first part file is invaild. Could you refresh the link for that part?...

Do you have code for preprocessing ETH and UCY datasets?

> The train and set set has completely overlap In file **create_dataset**.py, lines 118-120 the frame indices are shuffled and form the _train_idx_ and _test_idx_. Let's assume frames 10 is...

In your paper you show the predicted trajectories together with the ground truth and the past trajectories. Can you upload the scripts you were using for this?

Thanks for making your code available, but I can't get the CUHK-Crowd-Dataset and the subway-station-dataset, could you please make it available like the GC dataset?