svg.draggable.js copied to clipboard
Updated to cater for multi input systems such as touchscreens with mi…
…ce, also corrected cleanup which was only removing mousedown events, not touch.
Sorry for being anal about semicolons, and my intellij decided to format things. basically there is a new listener created for both input methods and both sets of listeners are removed properly afterwards.
(we had a case where on a new touchscreen lappy, the code would opt to enable touch but not mouse as they were exclusive on the touch property (removed))
I cant rly see your chances cause of all this stuff around. The missing semicolons are part of the coding style and you should adapt to used style instead of using your own. Please PR only the changes you actually made and remove all this stuff around. That leads to a cleaner commit where you can actually see what changed
That better ?
Could we have this merged into 1.x bench please?
I am pretty sure, that a touchstart also triggers a mousedown in some browsers so the drag would start twice which would be bad. Any Idea on how to fix that?
Please elaborate on which browsers these would be ?
We haven't come across any browsers which behave in this manner, plus I dont know why it would be bad, worst case scenario it would output the same change to the movement in both listeners, and even then it also kills off all new listeners when unloaded anyway.
sorry again for the long delay. I think you are right. I am sorry to be a pain in the ass but your code formatter still broke a lot of things. Do you mind creating a fresh PR with ONLY your changes?
PS: also dont forget to run the grunt task after changing the source
5 years in and I finally come back to this. Making it short: I will go over this tomorrow and most likely adapt to whats needed here