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Added tests concerning svg's with xml:space="preserve"

Open hakakou opened this issue 2 years ago • 4 comments

Added 2 tests concerning svg's with xml:space="preserve" enabled. Also added test for adding SvgText with null Text.

Reference Issue

Based on #817

Any other comments?

Added 3 tests. 1 passes and 2 fails.

hakakou avatar Oct 07 '21 10:10 hakakou

I have not tried to fix the issues I'm testing here; just added the failing tests.

hakakou avatar Oct 07 '21 10:10 hakakou

After all, test results are the same for 3.2.3 and 3.3.0.

H1Gdev avatar Oct 18 '21 11:10 H1Gdev

@hakakou Please convert to draft.

H1Gdev avatar Oct 19 '21 23:10 H1Gdev

Nodes are introduced from PR #89. Purpose seems to be to create tree with Whitespace.

  • Nodes are used if xml:space="preserve".
  • Children and Nodes are out of sync, so issues like #817 occur.

H1Gdev avatar Oct 28 '21 05:10 H1Gdev

The following W3C Tests already provide sample files:

  • text-ws-01-t.svg (Test for viewer correct handling of whitespace and the 'xml:space' attribute. )
  • text-ws-02-t.svg
  • text-ws-03-t.svg

Also, available are

  • text-align-04-b.svg
  • text-deco-01-b.svg
  • text-tspan-02-b.svg

paulushub avatar Feb 03 '24 09:02 paulushub