Sander Verweij

Results 69 comments of Sander Verweij

@forivall Thanks for the suggestion. The philosophy behind mscgenjs is to take the hassle out of creating sequence diagrams. As any workaround to achieve a goal is a hassle, I'd...

Concur it looks a lot better than vertical alignment == middle in a lot of cases. The amount of extra vertical space I anticipated it would take seems to be...

Hi @noricor - I guess you mean that this... ...could render nicer? State-machine-cat runs into the limitations of the auto-layout engine in some occasions. I'm on the lookout for an...

Hi @bencehornak thanks for your raising this issue. Under the hood state-machine-cat uses GraphViz to render the graph. It seems that we have bumped into the limits of what we...

Hi @forivall state-machine-cat is not a super set of mermaid, syntax wise. I hadn't looked into mermaid for a few years and wasn't even aware they had state machine support...

Hi @hefroy this was indeed not implemented in the graph rendering - and I agree it should. I'll try to make it better and be targeting this (LMK if that's...

hi @chrisjallen thanks for this suggestion - it's been an [item]( on the backlog for some time as a nice to have feature, but as I don't use xstate and...

- smcat => scxml => _XState machine configuration_ would then work out of the box 🤞 (this will make @chrisjallen very happy, I gather :-) ) - for XState configuration...

@davidkpiano couldn't sleep very well last night so I wrote an scxml parser (see PR above). Which means that scxml output should be enough to get it visualized. Available on...

(I've published a polished version to live yesterday)