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STON - Smalltalk Object Notation - A lightweight text-based, human-readable data interchange format for class-based object-oriented languages like Smalltalk.
STON - Smalltalk Object Notation
A lightweight text-based, human-readable data interchange format for class-based object-oriented languages like Smalltalk. It can be used to serialize domain level objects, either for persistency or network transport. As its name suggests, it is based on JSON (Javascript Object Notation). It adds symbols as a primitive value, class tags for object values and references. Implementations for Pharo Smalltalk, Squeak and Gemstone Smalltalk are available.
Metacello new
baseline: 'Ston';
repository: 'github://svenvc/ston/repository';
The original Smalltalk Object Notation paper
The Pharo Enterprise book STON chapter
The most formal description is The STON Specification
Sven Van Caekenberghe MIT Licensed
Add the following code to your Metacello baseline or configuration
baseline: 'Ston'
with: [ spec repository: 'github://svenvc/ston/repository' ]